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depicts the slaughter of the idolaters ofJerusalem. It types the literal slaughter of thespiritual idolaters of Christendom in the Time ofTrouble, and also their destruction as tares (Matt.13:40) by the Word of Truth, which willmanifest their true condition and cause them tocease the pretense of being Christians. <strong>The</strong>picture corresponds to the harvesting of wheatand tares by the sickle of Truth (Rev. 14:15), andthe burning of the tares. <strong>The</strong>re is a two-foldsignificance here— those having material chargeof Christendom, and those having spiritualcharge (D527.) <strong>The</strong> first class comprises therulers of the great nations; the second class, thefeet members of the Little Flock (Luke 12:32)—"All things are yours." (1 Cor. 3:21); "Inheritorsof the Kingdom" (Gal. 5:21); "Given charge ofall His goods" (Luke 12:44), the Bible truths.<strong>The</strong> first class has as weapons the armies andnavies. <strong>The</strong> second has the Sword of the Spirit,the Word of God.Ezekiel 9:2.And, behold, six men came from the way ofthe higher gate, which lieth toward the North,and every man a slaughter weapon in hishand; and one man among them was clothedwith linen, with a writer's inkhorn by his side:and they went in, and stood beside the brazenaltar.— <strong>The</strong> six with earthly weapons are therulers of the six great nations— "Russia,Germany, Austria, France England and Italy. <strong>The</strong>six with the Sword of the Spirit symbolize all theElijah class, the six, with one other, making upthe seven, the complete number. <strong>The</strong>se have theircommission from "the north," from the seat ofDivine Dominion, from God Himself. Practicallyall Bible translators and commentators agree thatthe one with a writer's inkhorn by his side wasnot one of the six, but a seventh, garbed as apriest, or as a clerk or officer in an army of theEast. <strong>The</strong> linen signifies the imputedrighteousness of Christ, (Rev. 19:8.)<strong>The</strong> writer's inkhorn symbolizes that the seventhman's function was to write. God identified himthus: When <strong>The</strong> Watch Tower Bible And Tract

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