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Z.'07-331.) <strong>The</strong> question is whether, like Caleband Joshua, we shall retain our confidence inHim who has called us, and bring back truereports of the land we hope ere long to possess,or, whether we shall be of the larger companythat through fear and faint-heartedness neverenter in. (Num. 13:31; Z.'07-251.) Shall werejoice to lay down our lives for the Lord'sbrethren, or shall we, through fear of thissacrificial death, be all our lifetime subject tobondage? (Heb. 2:15;FM136T70, 71.) <strong>The</strong> question is whether we shall belike the servant who hid his Lord's talent in theearth (in earthly enjoyments and pursuits) (Matt.25:24; Z.'01-61; Z.'06-318), whether we shall bedouble minded, having some idea of attainingheavenly things and some idea of getting all wecan of earthly things (Jas. 1:8; Z.'07-316),whether, like Obadiah, we are merely friendlytoward the Truth and those who stand for theTruth, but conceal our interest for fear of theconsequences to ourselves and our families.— 1Kings 18:3; Z.'04-221.If, in these tests of faith and character, we comeoff victorious in the Lord's sight, we shall notneed to be of those who wash their robes andmake them white in the blood of the Lamb, inthe great tribulation with which this Age willclose, but shall keep our robes unspotted so thatthey will not need such a general cleansing. If wehave fled to the Lord before the winter time ofHis disfavor has come upon the man-madesystems of our day, we shall be spared the rigorsof the flight, of which He said, "Pray that yourflight be not in the winter [of <strong>1917</strong>-1918 (?)]"(Matt. 24:20; D578), and we shall be spared, too,the bitter disappointment of saying at that time,"<strong>The</strong> Harvest [the time of special favor] is past,the summer is ended and we are not saved" [notsaved with the chiefest salvation, with thesalvation to which we aspired]. (Jer. 8:20;D578.) In the time of Zion's travail thesechildren of God will all be delivered. (Isa. 66:8;Z.'94-135.) Let us be glad of our hope that we

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