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those found in fullest heart-sympathy, as well asin outward harmony, with God and His righteousarrangements, will be permitted to go beyond theMillennium into the everlasting future or ‘world[age] without end.' All others will be destroyedin the Second Death." (E418, 402.) "We read,regarding that testing, that Satan will endeavor tolead astray all mankind, whose numbers willthen be as the sand of the sea for multitude; butthat many of them will choose evil anddisobedience, with past experience before them,and unhampered by present weaknesses andblinding influences, we do not suppose."— H62.Revelation 20:9.And they went up on the breadth of theearth.— "Building upon a supposed weakness inthe Divine character, these may be led to try totake advantage of the grace (favor) of God, andto use it as a license for wilful sin."— H62.And compassed the camp of the saintsabout.— "Just as in Great Britain, the peoplehave gone to Parliament to protest, so therebellious faction of mankind will protest againsttheir faithful princes. <strong>The</strong> separation of theAncient Worthies from the rest of the worldseems to imply that God has some specialpurpose in respect to them. <strong>The</strong> term camp itselfimplies that theirs is only a temporary conditionor arrangement, and that God has some betterthing in store for them." (Z.'13-53.)"<strong>The</strong> noble work of elevating the race by sureand steady steps (under the direction of theunseen spiritual members of the Kingdom) is thehigh honor to which the Ancient Worthies areappointed, and for which they will come forthprepared soon after the final wreck of thekingdoms of this world." (A291.)"Israel as a nation will be the first among thenations to come into harmony with the new orderof things; the earthly Jerusalem will be rebuiltupon her old heaps; and their polity will berestored as in the beginning under princes ofjudges. (Isa. 1:26; Psa. 45:16; Jer. 20:18."—(A294.) " ‘Abraham, Isaac and Jacob and all the

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