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measure of that transcendent glory, as did Moseswhen be came down from Mount Sinai." (C301.)"In describing the events under the SeventhTrumpet, this order is observed: — (1) thepower is taken by the Lord as King or Earth, andHis Reign begun; (2) as a consequence the greatjudgment-trouble comes upon the world."—D623; Rev. 19:6; Psa. 99:1.Revelation 11:18.And the nations were angry, and Thy wrath iscome.— "Although they are called Christiannations, they have not received the Spirit of theLord; they have not received the spirit ofmeekness, gentleness, long-suffering, brotherlykindness and love, the fruits of the Holy Spirit;but on the contrary, the spirit which St. Paul saysconsists of hatred, wrath, strife, murder— worksof the flesh and the Devil. For this reason theydid not even wait for God's wrath to come, butbegan to bring it upon themselves nearly twomonths in advance.<strong>The</strong>y became so angry that they began to destroyeach other even before their lease of power hadexpired."— Z.'14-328.And the time of the dead, that they should bejudged.— "<strong>The</strong>y cannot be judged without Hiswords, and the vast majority,— 'dead intrespasses and sins,' blinded and deafened by theAdversary, through sin,—have not thus far beenenabled to hear their Redeemer's wonderfulwords of life. In the Millennial Kingdom thedead world will have the eyes of itsunderstanding opened and its ears unstopped,and the knowledge of the Lord shall fill theFM182whole earth and reach every member of the deadrace, not only those who have not yet gone downinto the tomb, but ‘all the families of the earth;'for, ‘all that are in the grave shall come forth' forthe very purpose of hearing the ‘wonderfulwords of life,' and of being judged by them. Ifthey shall accept them heartily they shall, byrestitution processes, be brought fully up to life

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