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ecclesiasticism in revolution, in 1918, the end ofthe various discordant non-Christian elements ofChristendom, hostile to true Christianity, whichwill seek to profit by her fall, will come. <strong>The</strong>Ammonites (25:1-7) and the Moabites (25:8-11),both children of Lot— who was himself a typeof the Great Company class— are a type of aclass brought into being by their father, the GreatCompany class (Lot), while he was in a state ofdrunken stupor from mixed doctrines, throughLot's daughters, type of the worldly churches ofthe Great Company.<strong>The</strong> Edomites, descendants of Esau, represent aclass who sell their birthright to sonship of Godfor a mess of pottage, worldly advantage (25:12-14); and the Philistines, a people who migratedfrom Egypt, and aggressively preyed upon theJews, type of a class of aggressive, middlecourse,professing Christians who prey upon trueChristians. <strong>The</strong> message begins with wordsagainst the Ammonites, types of those believingworldlings who were brought into the churchesby the more or less faithless Great Company, andwho in an aggressive and predatory fashion asJesuits, persecuting Romish priests, andProtestant clergy and their kind persecuted thetrue Christians. <strong>The</strong> Ammonites are described as"fierce marauders, crafty, cruel, predatory." <strong>The</strong>Ammonites worshipped Baal, under the nameChemosh, the god of fire and of fornication, typeof the eternal-torment-purgatory god, theencourager of the spiritual adultery of churchstateunion.AGGRESSIVE WORLDLY ELEMENTTORMENT BELIEVERSEzekiel 25:3.And say unto the Ammonites, Hear the wordof the Lord God; Thus saith the Lord God;Because thou saidst, Aha, against MySanctuary, when it was profaned; and againstthe land of Israel, when it was desolate; andagainst the house of Judah, when they wentinto captivity.— When God's true Church shallbe persecuted in the

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