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Here is the patience of the saints.— <strong>The</strong>ircrowning trial.[Here are they] that keep the commandmentsof God.— <strong>The</strong> commandments of God duringthe Harvest time are to proclaim, "Gather Mysaints together unto Me;" "Flee out of the midstof Babylon, and deliver every man his soul: benot cut off in her iniquity."— Psa. 50:5; Jer.51:6.And the faith of Jesus.— "He laid down His lifefor us; and we ought to lay down our lives forthe brethren." (1 John 3:16.) <strong>The</strong> Great Companyclass are our brethren and we ought to show asmuch interest in them as we do in the LittleFlock. <strong>The</strong> gathering of the full number of theVery Elect would give us no reason todiscontinue Harvest work.Revelation 14:13.And I heard a voice from Heaven.— <strong>The</strong>Heavenly Father's Word.Saying [unto me], Write.— <strong>The</strong> message foundin chapter 9 of Volume III.Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord.—"Each member of the Body of Christ must finishhis sacrifice in actual death. <strong>The</strong>y are reckonedof God as being already dead, and they areexhorted so also to reckon themselves: ‘Reckonye yourselves dead indeed unto sin.' No otherdead men can be said to die but this class of deadones, who must finish their course of sacrifice inactual death."— C240; 1 <strong>The</strong>ss, 4:16.From henceforth.— From the spring of 1878.[Yea,] saith the Spirit.— <strong>The</strong> Word of God, inRev. 6:11. "Nowhere in the Scriptures is deathrepresented as in any sense a blessing, except inthis one instance; and here it is particularlylimited and made applicable to a certain specifictime."— C240.FM225That they may rest from their labors.— "Poor,bruised ‘feet,' now despised of men, none butyourselves fully appreciate your privileges. None

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