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(nikon ton laon), "vanquishers of the people," aclergy class who succeeded in pulling the woolover the eyes of the common people; but that thelast age of the Church is Laodicean (laos dike),"justice for the people." We find we get alongmuch better without the clergy than we did withthem. <strong>The</strong> Laodicean period of the Churchextends from the fall of 1874 to the spring of1918, three and one-half years of preparation,and forty years of Harvest. "<strong>The</strong> parallelsaffected merely the nominal Jewish House thereand the nominal Christian House here. Bothwere rejected because of failure to be in the rightcondition of heart for the truths that were due tothem— both rejected for destruction. <strong>The</strong> JewishSystem was a Church-State affair, paralleled hereby the great Church-State systems of Europe,whose destruction began in 1914. Let usremember. however, that the three and a halfyears of Jesus' ministry were more a time ofpreparation of the Apostles to be the instrumentsfor the harvesting and a sharpening preparationof the Sickle of Truth for the later work, whichbegan at Pentecost. Prior to Pentecost, there wasno ‘garner' into which to gather the wheat.FM59JEWISH AND CHRISTIAN PARALLELSJewish-Nominal Church Christian-Nominal ChurchA. D. 29-33 A. D. 1874-1878‘<strong>The</strong>y knew not the time of their visitation.'A. D. 33-36 A. D. 1878-1881<strong>The</strong> Most Holy anointed, Divine favor prolongedfor three and a half years to completethe 70 weeks of favor promised to Israel,their rejection being deferred.A. D. 36-73 A. D. 1881-1918Because of the overspreading ofabominations, He shall make it desolate, evenuntil the con- summation, or utter destruction—until all that God has predetermined shall beaccomplished. —Dan. 9:24-27."— Z.'16-264.

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