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than the angels (Heb. 2:9), a servant (Phil. 2:7), aman (Phil. 2:8); that while a man He did nothave all wisdom (Luke 2:52) but admitted theFather's greater power (John 14:28) andknowledge (Matt. 24:36); that as the Father hadpreviously said that He would give His ownpersonal glory to no one (Isa. 42:8), so Jesusadmitted He and the Father were two separatepersons (John 8:17, 18); that He admitted He hadnot the glory of the Father (John 17:5) andexpected the same unity between the Church andthe Father as existed between Himself and theFather (John 17:21-23); that when He died Hewas really, truly, completely dead, as dead asthough He had never previously existed (1 Cor.15:3; Rev. 1:18); that God raised Him from thedead (Acts 2:24; Gal. 1:1); highly exalted Him(Phil. 2:9) to Divine nature (2 Pet. 1:4); makingHim the express image of Himself (Heb. 1:3);but that even since His resurrection our Father isstill Jesus' Father and our God is still His God(John 20:17); that a thousand years hence Jesuswill still be subject to the Father (1 Cor. 15:28);that to us there is but one God (1 Cor. 8:6) andthat every doctrine that confesseth that JesusChrist when He came in the flesh came asanything more or less than a fleshly being is thespirit of Antichrist which dictated every one ofthe creeds aforementioned (1 John 4:3)."FM6:5And when He had opened the third seal.—Disclosing the third epoch in the history ofAntichrist.I heard the third beast.— Infinite Love.Say, Come and see.— Come and see theapparently complete triumph of the powers ofdarkness and the apparent inaction of InfiniteLove in permitting it.And I beheld, and lo, a black horse.—Complete disregard of the Scriptures by clergyand people alike, and in their place the uglycreeds and bulls of popes and councils.And he that sat on him.— <strong>The</strong> same rider, theAntichrist.

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