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will be given to share in the perfected conditionof the Ancient Worthies.— Ezek. 45:7-8; 46:16-18; 48:21-22.<strong>The</strong> ClassesIn the Kingdom there will be several distinctclasses, according to opportunity and degree offaithfulness in ages preceding establishment ofthe Kingdom.<strong>The</strong> priests will be the glorified Little Flock,faithful unto death, sons of God, the RighteousOne (Zadok, righteous), who during the GospelAge "kept the charge of God's Sanctuary," byfaithfulness to the Word of God at any cost.<strong>The</strong>y will be "of the Divine nature."— Ezek.40:44-46; 43:18-27; 44:15-31; 45:4; 48:10-12.<strong>The</strong> antitypical Levites (Great Company), willhave spirit nature akin to the angelic, becausethough during the Gospel Age they were alsobegotten of the Spirit, sons of God (Zadok,righteous), they "went astray from God, aftertheir idols;" they ministered unto the peoplebefore their idols and caused the house of Israel(Christendom) to fall into iniquity. <strong>The</strong>y shallbear their iniquity."— Ezek. 44:10-14; 45:5;48:13-14.<strong>The</strong> Ancient Worthies (the Prince), who in theJewish Age were faithful unto death amidincredible trials of faith (Heb. 11), will duringthe 1,000 years be of the perfect human nature,and will be on earth the visible leadersFM576and rulers of mankind.— Ezek. 44:1-3; 45:7-17,21-25; 46:16-18; 48:21-22.<strong>The</strong> servants of the city will be of the perfecthuman nature, and engaged in the multifariousduties of a world wide government. <strong>The</strong>y will betaken from amongst mankind. Some are spokenof as servants and some as sons of the AncientWorthies.— Ezek. 48:18-19; 46:16-18.<strong>The</strong> people of the Kingdom will be first theresurrected Hebrews, making progress during the1,000 years toward human perfection, but who in

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