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Shall be clothed in white raiment.— "<strong>The</strong>pictures given of the Heavenly Father representHim as clothed (Psa. 104:2); and the pictures ofour Lord represent Him as clothed. <strong>The</strong> angelswho appeared at the time of our Lord'sresurrection are represented as clothed in white.Our Lord said: ‘Blessed is he that watcheth, andkeepeth his garments, lest he walk naked, and'they see his shame.' (Rev. 16:18.) <strong>The</strong> glorifiedChurch is represented, not as taking off the robeof righteousness, but continuing to walk in whiteraiment, not as now, in a robe of reckonedrighteousness, but in a robe of actualrighteousness."— Z.'14-11; Rev. 19:8.And I will not blot out his name out of theBook of Life.— "In the book are written thenames of all those who have made with the Lord‘a Covenant by Sacrifice.' <strong>The</strong> name of each ofthese is entered in the Lamb's Book of Life,when he starts to live the new life. If they arefaithful, their names will not be blotted out; andthey will attain all those glorious things whichare promised to those who love Him supremely.(Rev. 21:7.)"— Z.'15-119; Rev. 13:8; Psa. 69:28;Dan. 12:1; Phil. 4:3; Luke 10:20.But I will confess his name before My Father,and before His angels.— "In the end, theovercomers will eachFM48be so grandly developed that the Lord will not beashamed to confess any of them and to say.‘Here is one of My followers. Here is another.<strong>The</strong>y have walked in My footsteps and haveovercome.' But He will be ashamed of any whoare ashamed of Him or of His words. (Luke9:26.)"— Z.'15-119; Luke 12:8, 9.FM3:6He that hath an ear.— A spiritual ear. "Mysheep hear My voice."— John 10:27.Let him hear what the Spirit saith unto thechurches.— "Blessed are the people that knowthe joyful sound."— Psa. 89:15. 3:7

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