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FM367THE BOOK OFTHEPROPHETEZEKIELChapter 1GOD'S CHARACTER AND PLANEzekiel 1:1.Now it came to pass in the thirtieth year, inthe fourth month, in the fifth day of themonth, as I was among the captives by theriver of Chebar, that the heavens wereopened, and I saw visions of God.— Christpromised that at His Second Advent He wouldraise up a "faithful and wise servant," or"steward," who should watch and give forth indue season meat for the Household of Faith. Thisone should be given charge of all the Storehouse,the Word of God, to bring out of it things newand old. (Matt, 24:44-47; Luke 12:42-44.) <strong>The</strong>Prophet Ezekiel types this servant. As Ezekielwas among the Lord's people, the Hebrews, incaptivity in literal Babylon, this servant wasamong those in captivity in Mystic Babylon,beside the great river Chebar ("Joining"), thestream of commerce which joins the nations, onwhich Christendom is founded, and from whichshe draws her support, as did in a literal senseBabylon from her great river, Euphrates. In theearly seventies Charles Taze Russell foundhimself engaged in commerce, but earnestlystudying the Word of God, and striving to teachwhat he found therein. In fulfilment of theDivine promise the Heavenly things were openedto him (Matt. 3:16), and he saw the significanceof the visions, prophecies, given in olden timesby the Almighty. He was given a crystal-clearunderstanding of the character of Jehovah.

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