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which it was destined to absorb into itself."—McC.Revelation 8:10And the third angel sounded.— <strong>The</strong>Calvinistic movement began, which laterdeveloped into the Northern PresbyterianChurch, Cumberland Presbyterian Church,Welsh Calvinistic Church, United PresbyterianChurch, Southern Presbyterian Church,Associate Presbyterian Church, AssociateReformed Southern Presbyterian Church,Reformed Synod Presbyterian Church, ReformedGeneral Synod Presbyterian Church, ReformedCovenanted Presbyterian Church, ReformedPresbyterian Church in the United States andCanada, Dutch Reformed Church, GermanReformed Church, Christian Reformed Church,Hungarian Reformed Church, andCongregational Church.— 1 Cor. 3:3.And there fell a great star from heaven.—John Calvin tore a large-sized hole in theCatholic firmament when he started themanufacture of a firmament of his own.Burning as it were a lamp.— <strong>The</strong> precipitationof the Calvinistic movement in France andSwitzerland was as sudden as the Anglicanmovement had been in England or theFM151Lutheran movement in Germany. In 1533Francis I, King of France, "anxious to conciliateboth German Protestants and anti-papal England,invited some of the reformers to preach in theLouvre," as an offset to a fierce attack that hadbut lately been made upon them, caused by themutilation of a statue of the Virgin. On thefestival of All Saints, Cop, the rector of theUniversity of Paris, was to deliver the address,but Jean Cauvin (Calvin) persuaded the rector toread an address which he had written. It was adefense of the new evangelical views and soaroused the Sorbonne that Calvin and Cop wereboth obliged to flee from Paris. Calvin went toBasle, Switzerland, and in 1536 wrote andpublished the first great textbook of Protestant

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