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And [by] the brimstone.— Yes, indeed; plentyof brimstone.Which issued out of their mouths.—Especially when an evangelist firm is in townlooking for shekels.Revelation 9:19For [their power] THE POWER OF THEHORSES is in their mouth.— Assuredly,assuredly; it certainly is not in the Scriptures.And in their tails.— Followers, "Workers,"class-leaders.— Isa. 9:15.For their tails were like unto serpents.—Bright enough to know better.And had heads.— Wills of their own— unlikethe "Beheaded" saints (Rev. 20:4.)And with them they do hurt.— Damage thecause of Truth.Revelation 9:20.And the rest of the men.— Those ordinary"good fellows" (and bad ones too), men of theworld who had too much sense to swallow whatis taught by any of the sects.Which were not killed by these THEIRplagues.— Who remained "unconverted" to themass of errors masquerading in the name ofreligion.Yet repented not of the works of theirhands.— Failed to turn their money, brains andservice over to the nominal church, butcontinued on in their own way.That they should not worship devils.—Joining, if they choose, the Masons, Odd Fellowsand other secret organizations teaching a debasedform of religion.— Lev. 17:7; Deut. 32:17; 1Cor. 10:20.And idols of gold, and silver and [brass]COPPER.— Having their affection set uponcurrency in hand and in the bank.— Psa. 115:1-4; Dan. 5:22, 23.

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