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excellent glory, being, herself, a part of the Sunof Righteousness." (Z.'01-201.) "‘<strong>The</strong>n shall the righteous shine forth as the Sunin the Kingdom of their Father'— our LordJesus, the Head of the Church, of course beingincluded. <strong>The</strong> Prophet mentions the same Sun ofRighteousness, saying, ‘<strong>The</strong> Sun ofRighteousness shall arise with healing in Hisbeams.'— Malachi 4:2."— Z.'16-393.For the glory of God did lighten it, and theLamb is the light thereof.— "We are not to losesight of the fact that Christ is the Head or theChurch, even as the Father is the head of ChristJesus. (1 Cor. 11:3.)Hence the Lord God Almighty and the Lambwill always be an inner Temple in this greatTemple which God has provided for the world'sblessing during Restitution Times."— Z.'16-393;Isa. 24:23; 60:19, 20; Rev. 21:11; 22:5.Revelation 21:24.And the nations [of them which are saved]shall walk [in] BY the light [of it]THEREOF.— "<strong>The</strong> word ‘nations' heresignifies peoples, and is intended to show that allpeoples, not merely the Israelites, will be thusfavored under God's Kingdom. <strong>The</strong> world willnot be divided into nationalities as at present."—Z.'16-394; Isa. 60:3, 5.And the kings of the earth do bring theirglory [and honor] into it.— "When mankindreaches perfection at the close of the MillennialAge, as already shown, they will be admittedinto membership in the Kingdom of God andgiven the entire control of earth as at firstdesigned— each man a sovereign, a king."(A296.)"That Kingdom, in which all will be kings, willbe one grand, universal Republic, whose stabilityand blessed influence will be assured by theperfection of its every citizen, a result now muchdesired, but an impossibility because of sin."(Z.'10-39.)

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