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faith, as did the Apostles when, on the arrest ofChrist they all forsook Him and fled, will forsakeChristianity and all profession of beingChristians. <strong>The</strong>y will lose all the hopes they hadas Christians. <strong>The</strong>n Pastor Russell's message willpreach to Christendom the necessity of receivingthe Holy Spirit in its entirety, in order to realizetheir hopes; will turn the people to the wholeTruth of the Word of God (the four winds, all theTruth), all the witness of the Spirit for them, that"salvation cometh of the Jew" (John 4:22), andthat they must connect themselves with theAncient Worthies, resurrected and reigning atJerusalem; for without these Worthies theirhopes must remain inactive— through themalone hope can be vitalized. <strong>The</strong>n Christendomwill pray to God, "We submit ourselves whollyto <strong>The</strong>e in heartfelt consecration. Come, O Spirit,all the Spirit, in the appointed way, and breathelife into our hopes, that they may live at last!"Ezekiel 37:10.So I prophesied as He commanded me, andthe breath came into them, and they lived,and stood up upon their feet, an exceedinggreat army.— From paying attention toEzekiel's message, the Hebrews captive inBabylon realized their hopes at the end of theseventy years captivity. As a result of PastorRussell's teaching, Zionistic hopes have gainednew vitality; and in due time the Hebrew deadwill come forth from the Adamic death inmultitudes. From his teachings to the trueChurch, captive in Mystic Babylon,Christendom, the Scriptural hopes of the Churchwere clearly seen, and vitalized for those inPresent Truth. From his teachings hope willgrow afresh in the hearts of the survivors ofdesolated Christendom; and as a result of theirprayers the dead of Christendom will come forth,an exceeding great army.— E341, 316.Ezekiel 37:11.<strong>The</strong>n He said unto me, Son of man, thesebones are the whole house of Israel: behold,they say, Our bones are dried, and our hope islost: we are cut off for our parts.— <strong>The</strong> dried

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