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Full of names of blasphemy.— "From Ferraris'Ecclesiastical Dictionary, a standard RomanCatholic authority, weFM260quote the following condensed outline or papalpower as given under the word papa article 2nd:"<strong>The</strong> pope is of such dignity and highness that heis not simply a man but, as it were, God, and thevicar [representative] of God. . . . Hence the popeis crowned with a triple crown, as king ofheaven, of earth and of hell. Nay, the pope'sexcellence and power are not only aboutheavenly, terrestrial and infernal things, but he isalso above angels, and is their superior; so that ifit were possible that angels could err from thefaith, or entertain sentiments contrary thereto,they could be judged and excommunicated bythe pope. . . . He is of such great dignity andpower that he occupies one and the same tribunalwith Christ; so that whatsoever the pope doesseem to proceed from the mouth of God. . . . <strong>The</strong>pope is, as it were, God on earth, the only princeof the faithful of Christ, the greatest king of allkings, possessing the plenitude of power; towhom the government of the earthly andheavenly kingdom is entrusted.' He further adds:"<strong>The</strong> pope is of so great authority and power thathe can modify, declare or interpret the DivineLaw.' ‘<strong>The</strong> pope can sometimes counteract theDivine Law by limiting, explaining, etc.'"—B310.Having seven heads and ten horns.— See Rev12:3; 13:1; 17:9-12; Dan. 7:7, 20; Rev. 5:6; 1Sam. 2:10; Deut. 33:27; 1 Kings 22:11.Revelation 17:4.And the woman was arrayed in purple.—Symbolizing the apostate church's claim toroyalty. "I sit a queen and am no widow."— Rev.18:7, 12, 16.And scarlet color.— Symbolizing her claims toshare in Christ's work of sacrifice, in the doctrineof the mass.

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