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Worthy is the Lamb that was slain.— "OurLord Jesus demonstrated before the Father,before angels, and before His ‘brethren,' Hisfidelity to the Father and to the Father's Lawdemonstrating that it was not beyond the abilityof a perfect being, even under the most adverseconditions."— E134, 120.To receive power.— <strong>The</strong> Great Company classhumbly realize that their faithfulness and zealwas not sufficient to warrant their own exaltationto power.And riches.— <strong>The</strong>y realize they did not lay upall the Heavenly treasures they might have done,but hid their talents in earthly pursuits.And wisdom.— <strong>The</strong>y realize their ownunwisdom in seeking the praise of men and thatthe Christ Company, though apparently fools forChrist's sake, were really the wisest of the wise.And strength.— <strong>The</strong>y know that they used theirown strength for the support and maintenance ofinstitutions which really hindered rather thanhelped the Bride to make herself ready.And honor.— <strong>The</strong>y know that, as a class, theysought and obtained the honor that cometh frommen, but failed to properly seek the honor thatcometh from God only.And glory.— <strong>The</strong>y know that they failed tomeet the high conditions of self-sacrifice, andwere therefore unworthy of the high reward.And blessing.— <strong>The</strong>y feel that the blessingswhich the Lord gave to them were thoughtlesslyappropriated to themselves and their families,with hardly a serious thought about the needs ofthe Lord's dear family; and that appropriately,the chiefest of all blessings, the privilege ofextending God's blessings to the needy world,should go to those who most earnestly "bypatient perseverance in well doing (did) seek forglory, honor and immortality." (Rom. 2:7.) Thusthey reverence the Lamb, and His Bride, for theyare one.— Rev. 19:7.

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