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yearly and sold at low prices, and manythousands are given away to the poor. It isdifficult to estimate the wide influence of thiswork. Its quiet teaching is the greatest of alllevelers and equalizers."— C51.FM178In a cloud.— In a time of trouble, the FrenchRevolution. <strong>The</strong> exaltation which the Word ofGod received as a result of the FrenchRevolution is as nothing compared with theexaltation which awaits it after the "Time ofTrouble such as was not since there was anation."And their enemies beheld them.— As theenemies of the Word of God were compelled bythe stern logic of events to consent to itsrestoration in the French time of trouble, so theLord's enemies, and the enemies of His Church,will be compelled to submit to the Reign ofTruth when their forces have been exhausted inthe Battle of the great Day of God Almighty.—Luke 19:27; Isa. 54:11-17.Revelation 11:13.And the same hour was there a greatearthquake.— "In the symbolic language ofRevelation, the French Revolution was indeed a‘great earthquake'— a social shock so great thatall ‘Christendom' trembled until it was over; andthat terrible and sudden outburst of a singlenation's wrath, only a century ago, may givesome idea of the fury of the coming storm, whenthe wrath of all the angry nations will burst thebands of law and order and cause a reign ofuniversal anarchy. In fact, the French Revolutionseems referred to by our Lord in His Revelationto John on Patmos as a prelude to, and anillustration of, the great crisis nowapproaching."— D631.<strong>The</strong> French Revolution lasted ten and a halfyears, from June 17th, 1789, when the Assemblybegan its reign, until Napoleon seized thegovernment and caused himself to be appointedFirst Consul, November 9th, 1799.

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