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eject entirely His Ransom-sacrifice— His cross.Claiming the Fatherhood of God to extend tosinners, they repudiate both the curse and theMediator."— C167.[I will spue thee out of My] REFRAIN THYmouth.— She is bidden to hold her peace. Sheneeds to study, not to teach; and so the followingverses indicate.— Hos. 5:6; 9:12. 3:17Because thou sayest I am rich.— I have all thespiritual light that exists in the world. "I havemuch goods laid up for many years." (Luke12:19.) "I sit a queen, and am no widow, andshall see no sorrow."— Rev. 18:7; Hos. 12:8; 1Cor. 4:8.And increased with goods.— "Laodiceanscount their numbers and their donations bymillions, and say, ‘We are rich as never before.'Alas, that they do not realize that these areearthly riches of the kind which our Lorddeclares are no evidence of His favor during thisGospel Age, but rather to the contrary! And theysee not the true riches which the Lord admires,and which are the foretaste of His favor and thecoming Kingdom wealth."— Z.'01-56.And have need of nothing.— "<strong>The</strong>y will notown that they have departed from the right waysof the Lord: in their own estimation they are richand increased with goods, spiritual as well astemporal, and have need of nothing."— Mal. 3:7;Z.'92-261.FM67And knowest not that thou.— Of all others, sothe Greek indicates.Art wretched.— "To our eternal disgrace, theUnited States leads all civilized countries inhomicides— over 8,000 yearly. <strong>The</strong>re are twelvemurders in New England to one in London; inCalifornia seventy-five to one; in Nevada 245 toone." (Z.'08-83.)"Each nation feels that theirs is the greatesttalent, theirs are the finest guns, theirs the besteverything; and it is this feeling of selfsufficiencythat led tile nations into the present

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