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Anarchists, magazine writers, social surveyorsand reformers has caused Christendom'sforgotten iniquities to be freshly remembered,and her transgressions uncovered, so that there isno department— commercial, financial, politicalor religious— in which her sinful practices donot appear. <strong>The</strong>se things God has permitted to bemade manifest that she may be taken redhanded.Ezekiel 21:25.And thou, profane wicked prince of Israel,whose day is come, when iniquity shall havean end.— <strong>The</strong> profane and wicked prince of theJews was Zedekiah, their last king. (A248; Z.'04-343.) <strong>The</strong> antitype is churchianity's lordly class,the clergy, profaning the holy Temple of God,the Church, the Body of Christ, with doctrines ofdevils (1 Tim. 4:1), as wicked in the sight of Godas were their prototypes, the scribes, doctors andPharisees, with their hypocritical pretense ofholiness. <strong>The</strong>ir time has come— 1918— wheniniquity in the House of the Sons of God shallhave an end.Ezekiel 21:26.Thus saith the Lord God; Remove thediadem, and take off the crown: this shall notbe the same: exalt him that is low, and abasehim that is high.— Thus says Almighty God:Remove the mitre (mistranslated "diadem"). <strong>The</strong>mitre was a band of linen about the forehead,typing the righteousness of Christ, supposed tobe in the minds of the clergy, but no moreactually in them as a class than in whitedsepulchres. (Matt. 23:27.) <strong>The</strong> king wore agolden crown on his head, held there by a whitelinen mitre. (A248; B76, 79; Z.'99-359.) <strong>The</strong>clergy, the lords of God's heritage, have crownedthemselves with the rulership of earth, in theperson of the pope and in the general desire ofclergymen to rule in the affairs of men, alordship based upon their supposedrighteousness (mitre). This great crisis will notbe like the temporary setbacks of ecclesiasticismin past centuries. <strong>The</strong> lowly, revolutionary,anarchistic masses will exalt themselves to

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