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King of kings and Lord of lords. (Isa. 41:25;44:28; 45:1-14.)"— Z.'99.174; Rev. 7:2.Revelation 16:13.And I saw three unclean spirits.— Denotingdemoniacal origin. (Matt. 10:1; Mark 1:26; Luke4:33.) "<strong>The</strong> Lord's people must discriminatebetween doctrinesFM247presented to them as truth— they must ‘try thespirits,' whether they be holy or evil, of God orof the Evil One— the Spirit of Truth or the spiritof error. <strong>The</strong>se both are introduced by prophets,or teachers."— E320, 295.[Like] AS IT WERE frogs.— Frogs. aregarrulous, have a very wise look, large mouths,are much puffed up and utter only croakings. Inthe "distress of nations with perplexity" whichhas come upon Christendom as a result of hersins, the croakings of the wise now fill the aireverywhere. Actually all knees are "weak aswater."— Ezek. 7:17; 21:7. See especially D i-xvi.Come out of the mouth of the dragon.— <strong>The</strong>three fundamental truths of history are man'sFalls, Redemption and Restoration. Stated inother language these three truths are the mortalnature of man, the Christ of God and HisMillennial Kingdom. Standing opposite to theseSatan has placed three great untruths, humanimmortality, the Antichrist and a certain delusionwhich is best described by the word Patriotism,but which is in reality murder, the spirit of thevery Devil. It is this last and crowning feature ofSatan's work that is mentioned first. <strong>The</strong> othertwo errors are the direct cause of this one. <strong>The</strong>wars of the Old Testament were all intended toillustrate the battlings of the New Creatureagainst the weaknesses of the flesh, and are notin any sense of the word justification for thehuman butchery which has turned the earth into aslaughter-house. Nowhere in the New Testamentis Patriotism (a narrow-minded hatred of otherpeoples) encouraged. Everywhere and alwaysmurder in its every form is forbidden; and yet,

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