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are become fenced, and are inhabited.— Andthe infidel peoples shall exclaim, "Christendomthat was utterly desolated, has become like theGarden of Eden!" For governments, national,city, and local, which were wasted, desolated andruined, have been replaced by better andpermanent (fenced) arrangements brought aboutby the mighty power of Jehovah's Love.Ezekiel 36:36.<strong>The</strong>n the heathen that are left round aboutyou shall know that I the Lord build theruined places, and plant that was desolate: Ithe Lord have spoken it, and I will do it.—<strong>The</strong>n the unbelieving peoples will come to therealization that the One that shall rebuild ruinedChristendom and plant the desolate people withthe seed of the glad gospel of the Kingdom isJehovah. Jehovah has spoken it, and will bring itto pass.Ezekiel 36:37.Thus smith the Lord God; I will yet for this beinquired of by the house of Israel, to do it forthem; I will increase them with men like aflock.— God will yet be supplicated bydesolated Christendom to do this for them. <strong>The</strong>n,in answer to their prayers, He will, byawakenings from the dead, increase theirnumbers with men in multitudes.Ezekiel 36:38.As the holy flock, as the flock of Jerusalem inher solemn feasts; so shall the waste cities befilled with flocks of men: and they shall knowthat I am the Lord.— Like as vast flocks ofsheep and cattle were gathered for sacrifice at theannual feasts at Jerusalem, so shall thedevastated nations of Christendom be filled withgreat crowds of consecrated, holy men, eachdevoted as a willing thank offering forever tolive for God. And they shall know, when Godhas brought them back from the dead, that He isJehovah, a God of infinite Justice, Power, Loveand Wisdom.

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