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"During the Millennial Age the kings will be theAncient Worthies; but subsequently a NewDispensation will open, under new conditions, inwhich mankind (perfected) will be granted theprivilege of ruling themselves in harmony withthe Divine Law." (Z.'97-304.) In this verse theAncient Worthies are directly referred to; whilein verse 26 the rest of mankind are referred to.Notice the tenses of the verbs "do bring" and"shall bring"— present and future— in theMillennium and after.FM331Revelation 21:25.And the gates of it shall not be shut at all byday.— Throughout the long Millennial Day of athousand years all who will may seek and findsalvation through the broad gates of the City ofGod that will then be wide open. (Isa. 60:11.)Now, "Narrow is the way that leadeth unto life,and few there be that find it."— Matt. 7:14.For there shall be no night there.— "<strong>The</strong>period in which sin is permitted has been a darkNight to humanity, never to be forgotten; but theglorious Day of righteousness and Divine favor,to be ushered in by Messiah, who, as the Sun ofRighteousness, shall arise and shine fully andclearly into and upon all, bringing healing andblessing, will more than counterbalance thedreadful night of weeping, sighing, pain,sickness and death, in which the groaningcreation has been so long. ‘Weeping may endurefor a night, but joy cometh in the morning.'—Psa. 30:5." (A9.)<strong>The</strong> Psalmist explains how the smile of theFather was turned away from mankind. Hedescribes mankind as "Such as sit in darknessand in the shadow of death, being bound inaffliction and iron; because they rebelled againstthe words of God [by disobedience of Hisexpress command] and contemned [set atnaught] the counsels of the Most High. <strong>The</strong>reforeHe brought down their heart with labor [each sexwith its own peculiar kind]; they fell down, andthere was none to help." (Psa. 107:10-12.) This

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