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Ezekiel 3:24.<strong>The</strong>n the Spirit entered into me, and set meupon my feet, and spake with me, and saidunto me, Go, shut thyself within thinehouse.— A thought possesses propulsive power,and must result in action unless hindered by anopposing thought. <strong>The</strong> Spirit, thoughts, words ofFM390God were continually entering, from the Bible,into Pastor Russell's mind and setting him intoaction. All who have set themselves apart to dothe will of God and have received the HolySpirit, are members of Christ, in the House ofSons (Heb. 3:6), the Royal Priesthood. In theconsecration of the typical priesthood, the priestshut himself in the Tabernacle for seven days.(Lev. 8:33.) (Seven symbolizes completeness.)So Christ and those in Him abide continually inthe antitypical Holy, the spirit-begottencondition. Pastor Russell lived in the Spirit fromhis consecration to his death.Ezekiel 3:25.But thou, O son of man, behold, they shall putbands upon thee, and shall bind thee withthem, and thou shalt not go out amongthem.— Each forward step in any branch ofknowledge renders institutions based on pastpartial knowledge functionless; and consequentlythe adherents and beneficiaries of suchinstitutions oppose the march of events. <strong>The</strong>clergy, trying to stem the tide of Truth, to upholdan effete ecclesiasticism tottering to its fall, putevery restraint upon the influence of PastorRussell; but the bands upon him served also tobind the tares more tightly into the organizationbundles. (Matt. 13:30.) In fulfillment of theprophetic parable the bundles are to be destroyedin the anarchy about to ensue. Church membershave been urged to get rid of every scrap ofpaper bearing the Message of Present Truth; theTruth has been preached against in practicallyevery church in the English, German andSwedish speaking world; people have beenwarned against reading the Truth; Truth people

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