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Should be fulfilled.— Should be filled full,completed in number. "<strong>The</strong> Gospel age is for thevery purpose of calling those who shallparticipate in the marriage feast. If, therefore, itbe true that we are in the end of this Gospel age,it implies that a sufficient number of worthyguests have been found, or, to reverse theproposition, if a sufficient number of worthyguests have now been found, it proves that weare in the close of this age. It was after thewedding had been furnished with a propernumber of guests, that ‘the King came in' andbegan the inspection of the guests. This, we haveelsewhere shown, marks the date April, 1878."—Z.'98-137.Revelation 6:12And I beheld when He had opened the sixthseal.— Disclosing the events leading up to andassociated with the Lord's Parousia, presence.And, [lo,] there was a great earthquake.—Literally, the great Lisbon earthquake, Nov. 1,1755, which extended over 4,000,000 squaremiles; shocked all Africa and Western Europe,including Scandinavia and Greenland; slew90,000 persons in Lisbon and many thousandselsewhere; destroyed every church and conventin the city; caused a tidal wave 60 feet high; splitmountains from top to bottom; sunk an immensearea to a depth of 600 feet and threw sailors tothe decks hundreds of miles at sea. It is believedto be the most severe earthquake shock ever felton the earth.Symbolically, the American Revolution, 21 yearslater (the underlying cause of the FrenchRevolution); the most successful and mostextraordinary movement upward of the lowerstrata of human society that had ever been seenin the world up to that time. God has so writtenRevelation that those who will not accept thesymbolical significance of what is expresslydeclared to be a symbolical book (Rev. 1:1) mayfind literal fulfillments, and thus lose the lightthey would otherwise get.

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