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John the Revelator says that it is to be made to"deliver up the dead" which are in it, and it,itself, is to be destroyed. (Hosea 13:14; Rev.20:13.) <strong>The</strong> last passage cited affords theexplanation of the whole subject, for in themargin opposite Rev. 20:13 the translators haveexplained that the word "hell" means "grave."Reversely, in the margin opposite 1 Cor. 15:55,the translators have explained that "grave" means"hell." <strong>The</strong> terms are interchangeable and themeaning is the same. In every place foregoing inwhich the citations appear in italic type, thetranslators have rendered Sheol or Hades by"grave" or "pit" instead of "hell." In the marginsof the old family Bibles, printed before PastorRussell was born, we are told in seven places,and in both ways, in both the Old Testament andthe New, that hell means the grave, and the gravemeans hell.— Psa. 49:15; 55:15; 86:13; Isa.14:9; Jonah 2:2; 1 Cor. 15:55; Rev. 20:13.And power was given unto them.— To hisHoliness, the Pope, and all the cardinals,bishops, archbishops, priests, inquisitors, kingsand rulers.FM117Over the fourth part of the earth.— OverEurope, but not over Asia, Africa or America.To kill with sword, and [with hunger]FAMINE and [with] death.— <strong>The</strong> destructionof New Creatures by wresting of the Scripturesand their spiritual starvation are herein evidence;but there was also a literal fulfillment. "Human and Satanic ingenuity were taxed to theirutmost to invent new and horrible tortures, forboth the political and religious opponents ofAntichrist; the latter— heretics— being pursuedwith tenfold fury.Besides the common forms of persecution anddeath, such as racking, burning, drowning,stabbing, starving and shooting with arrows andguns, fiendish hearts meditated how the mostdelicate and sensitive parts of the body, capableof the most excruciating pain, could be affected;molten lead was poured into the ears; tongues

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