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their feasts of love, as they rejoice over theconsecrated efforts of earth's billions in theirprogress toward human perfection, andthereafter. When the priests come out to the outercourt with the people they will change the holygarments they wore in the priest's chambers andput on other garments.<strong>The</strong> holy garments type the promises and Wordof God as concerns the Divine immortal nature,and the other garments will be the Word andcovenant of God as respects things concerningthe people and their restitution hopes andblessings.— Ezek. 42:1-14; 44:19, 29-30; 46:19.<strong>The</strong> Temple will be built with double walls allaround, except the porch in front (Figures 3, 4and 5). This will leave a space within the wallstermed the "side chambers," in three storiesreached by winding stairs, and reaching up notquite to the top of the Temple inner wall. Eachstory will be divided into 30 rooms. <strong>The</strong> secondstory rooms will be wider than the first, and thethird story wider than the second. This will beaccomplished by making the thick walls thinnereach story up. <strong>The</strong> floor beams will rest, not inthe walls, but on the recession of thickness witheach story. No function is stated by Ezekiel, butthe similar side chambers In Solomon's Templewere utilized for keeping the treasures of theTemple.In antitype the Temple is the Church, the Christ,Head and Body, and in the chambers of memoryof the Divine Christ will be stored up not onlythe character treasures of oil and incense and ofgold and silver and precious stones laid up inHeaven during the Gospel Age, but also the liketreasures offered by mankind throughout theMillennial Age. Only the priests will have accessto these treasures and the Little Flock willforever guard these most precious offerings. <strong>The</strong>three stories, each wider, suggest the charactertreasures laid up by those on the three planes,FM582Human, Spirit, and Divine.— Ezek. 41:5-9; 1Kings 6:5-10; 2 Chron. 3:9.

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