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Ezekiel 3:6.Not to many people of a strange speech and ofhard language, whose words thou canst notunderstand. Surely, had I sent thee to them,they would have hearkened unto thee.— If theMessage of Present Truth had been sent to theheathen with its glad tidings for all, they wouldhave turned from devil worship, to worship thetrue God. (Matt. 11:21, 23.) On two occasionsthe trumpet sound was heard by "people of astrange speech and of a hard language." PastorRussell passed through Japan and India on around-the-world tour. In Japan the peoplerequested that he stay. It was the message theyhad longed for. In India the natives heard himgladly. In eastern and southern Africa a believerin Present Truth found his way from Nyassa tothe Cape, and many thousands of nativesembraced the Truth and were baptized.Ezekiel 3:7.But the house of Israel will not hearken untothee; for they will not hearken unto me; forall the house of Israel are impudent andhardhearted.— Christendom has neverhearkened unto God. <strong>The</strong>y hear and do not. (Jas.1:22.) <strong>The</strong>y are forgetful hearers of the Word.(Jas. 1:25.) <strong>The</strong>y know their Master's will and doit not. (Luke 12:47.) Because they hear not God,they heed not the Word of God when brought tothem by His servants.Ezekiel 3:8.Behold, I have made thy face strong againsttheir faces, and thy forehead strong againsttheir foreheads.— Whatever situation PastorRussell faced, God made him more than equal toit. This last and most illustrious of the reformersnever asked for money; yet he had enoughentrusted to him to carry on the work.Champions of Christendom met him on thedebating platform; each encounter widened andstrengthened the witness for Present Truth. Hefaced the modern enemies of Reformation withbooks by tens of millions, and they were unableto combat their power. "To read the Studies in

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