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either the mark or the number of the Beast, or ofthe Image, either in the right hand of cooperationor in the forehead of public confession.This will mean that the International BibleStudents Association and all others not inaffiliation with the Alliance will be subjected toradically coercive measures. Truth shall fall inthe streets. (Isa. 59:14.) Righteousness will beunable to enter under the stress of the new orderof things. For a time it will appear as though agreat Christian victory had been won, sharedequally by Papacy and Federated-Protestantism— no longer protesting."— Z.'13-343.On the earth in the sight of men.— Amongsthis own followers and among Christiansunattached to either beast.Revelation 13:14.And deceiveth them that dwell on theearth.— <strong>The</strong> independent Christians just named.By the means of those miracles.— Signs, thelaying on of hands, doctrines of immortality,trinity and claims that none are qualified tounderstand the Bible aright except thoseconsecrated by the imposition of holy orders bythe episcopal succession.— Z.'80-1-2.Which he had power to do in the sight of thebeast.— While the papacy is still alive andactive.— Rev. 19:20.Saying.— By its own example.To them that dwell on the earth.— <strong>The</strong>independent Christians.That they should ALSO make an image.—"From the year 1800 to 1846 was a time in whichgreat numbers of new sects arose, whereasbefore that, they were few and prominent. Thisgave rise to uneasiness among the olderdenominations who wondered whereunto thisthing would lead. As the Bible came to be readmore and more by the masses, occasionalindividuals would feel free to preach what theythought it taught, regardless of denominationalcreeds and the views of the older sects. As a

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