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FM234For Thou only art holy.— "This songcontinues, and has yet another strain. It declares.‘Thou only art holy'.All holiness, all perfection, wherever it is found,must proceed from God, the great Fountain ofholiness. How strange, then, that any of God'sdear people (and we ourselves were onceamongst this number) should so misunderstandthe Divine Character and Plan as to misrepresentthe same as being the very essence of unholiness,injustice, unkindness, inequity, lovelessness,toward the great mass of God's creatures!"—Z.'00-311.For all nations shall come and worship before<strong>The</strong>e.— "<strong>The</strong>re is still another strain in thissong; and it is a grand one also, like all theothers,— reaching down into the Millennial Age.It declares, ‘All nations shall come and worshipbefore <strong>The</strong>e; for Thy judgments are mademanifest.' ‘All nations' will include, not only allthe nations then living, but all the nations of thedead, just as does the promise which God madeto Abraham, saying, ‘In thy Seed [<strong>The</strong> Christ,Head and Body] shall all the nations of the earthbe blessed.' (Gert. 22:18.)"— Z.'00-311.For [Thy] judgments are made manifestBEFORE THEE.— <strong>The</strong>re was a time when wecould not sing this song (Psa. 137). We lookedforward with dread to the time when the Lord'sJudgments would be made manifest. We did notsee that the Judgment Day is a day of "assuranceto all men." (Acts 17:31.) We did not see that thefirst judgment day was against our race (Rom.5:18), and that no culprit can be on trial twice forthe same offence. We did not see that anotherJudgment Day, favorable to our race, came at thetime of our Lord's great ‘victory over death (1John 12:31); nor did we see that our own, theJudgment Day of the saints, is here and now. (1Tim. 5:24; 1 Cor. 11:31; 1 Pet. 4:17.) We didperhaps note, our duty of judging wolves by theirgreed, dogs by their quarrelsomeness, swine bytheir interest in earthly things, thorns by theirdisposition to wound and tear, and thistles by

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