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Institut für Kommunikationsnetze und Rechnersysteme - Universität ...

Institut für Kommunikationsnetze und Rechnersysteme - Universität ...


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[62] J. CHARZINSKI: “Fun factor dimensioning for elastic traffic.” Proceedings of the 13th<br />

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[63] J. CHARZINSKI: “HTTP/TCP connection and flow characteristics.” Performance Evaluation,<br />

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[64] J. CHARZINSKI: “Measured HTTP performance and fun factors.” Proceedings of the 17th<br />

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[66] J. CHARZINSKI, J.FÄRBER, N.VICARI: „Verkehrsmessungen <strong>und</strong> Lastmodellierung im<br />

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[70] D. D. CLARK: “Adding service discrimination to the Internet.” Telecommunications Policy,<br />

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