[Abstract Title]. - Society for Neuroscience

[Abstract Title]. - Society for Neuroscience

[Abstract Title]. - Society for Neuroscience


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Poster<br />

278. Sex Differences I<br />

Time: Sunday, November 16, 2008, 1:00 pm - 5:00 pm<br />

Program#/Poster#: 278.3/LL24<br />

Topic: E.01.e. Sexual differences<br />

Support: Italian Ministry of Research Grant 2006072719_004<br />

<strong>Title</strong>: Aromatase distribution during sheep brain development and evaluation on the sexually<br />

dimorphic nucleus<br />

Authors: S. GADAU, A. MURA, G. LEPORE, M. ZEDDA, B. ARRU, *V. FARINA;<br />

Univ. Sassari, Sassari, Italy<br />

<strong>Abstract</strong>: During foetal development, a series of crucial events may induce stable modifications<br />

in cell number and morphology of selected brain nuclei generating specific neuronal networks.<br />

An important step in the main process of foetal brain sexual differentiation is the aromatization<br />

of testosterone to estradiol by P450 aromatase, being its onset and time length depending on the<br />

length of gestation. In the foetal brain of sheep, a long-gestation species, P450 aromatase activity<br />

starts from embryonic day E30 to E100. From this time onward, aromatase activity is evident in<br />

a cell group of the caudal preoptic area corresponding to the sexually dimorphic nucleus (SDN)<br />

of adults in a lot of species. As to the sheep, its presence is still controversial.<br />

In this study, the possible distribution of P450 aromatase was assessed in the hypothalamic<br />

preoptic area of foetal sheep brain at different stages of development (E30 to E115). In addition,<br />

the existence of SDN has been investigated in adult sheep. Coronal sections of foetal<br />

hypothalami were processed by immunoperoxidase technique (ABC method) employing the<br />

following polyclonal antibodies: anti-P450 aromatase, anti-estrogen receptor (ERβ) and antiandrogen<br />

receptor (AR). In addition, coronal sections of hypothalami from adult sheep of both<br />

sexes were processed with the monoclonal antibody anti-calbindin, a widely considered marker<br />

of SDN.<br />

A high immunoreactivity was found <strong>for</strong> aromatase, ERβ and AR throughout the foetal period<br />

under examination in different brain regions being mainly distributed in the periventricular area<br />

where the bulk of cells were stained. Moreover, no calbindin-immunoreactive cells were seen in<br />

hypothalamic coronal sections of adult sheep of both sexes. SDN cannot be identified in adult<br />

sheep, neither on the basis of morphological observations, nor of calbindin immunoreactivity.<br />

However, that species is well-characterized by the wide extension of aromatase-immunopositive<br />

brain regions, even in comparison with species taxonomically close, such as the cow. In situ<br />

hybridation studies are being carried out at our labs in order to confirm aromatase<br />

immunoreactivity results.

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