[Abstract Title]. - Society for Neuroscience

[Abstract Title]. - Society for Neuroscience

[Abstract Title]. - Society for Neuroscience


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Poster<br />

229. Neuronal and Glial Proliferation III<br />

Time: Sunday, November 16, 2008, 1:00 pm - 5:00 pm<br />

Program#/Poster#: 229.4/A4<br />

Topic: A.02.a. Proliferation<br />

Support: NIH Grant NS41228<br />

NIH Grant NS048256<br />

<strong>Title</strong>: Striatal neurons provide a relay <strong>for</strong> olfaction and SVZ neurogenesis<br />

Authors: *K. A. DAVE, S. YOUNG, A. BORDEY;<br />

Dept Neurosurg, Yale Sch. Med., New Haven, CT<br />

<strong>Abstract</strong>: Olfactory activity, seizures, and neurodegenerative disorders influence the production<br />

of newly-born olfactory bulb (OB) interneurons within the subventricular zone (SVZ). However,<br />

how olfaction influences neurogenesis is unknown. We hypothesize that the striatum is a relay<br />

network <strong>for</strong> olfactory input and can influence SVZ neurogenesis. The SVZ is sandwiched<br />

between the lateral ventricle and the striatum. Here we test whether striatal neurons signal to<br />

SVZ neural progenitor cells.<br />

We used morphological characterization, electrophysiology, and calcium (Ca 2+ ) imaging to show<br />

that GABAergic striatal neurons contribute to signaling in the SVZ. Morphological data indicate<br />

that 75% of neurons within the striatum bordering the SVZ send processes into the SVZ near<br />

both neuroblasts and astrocytes; 80% of those are medium spiny neurons (n=130, postnatal day<br />

15-23). Patch clamp recordings indicate that medium spiny neurons fire action potentials (APs)<br />

in the range of 6-10 Hz with depolarization. APs are sensitive to both GABAA receptor blocker<br />

bicuculline and tetrodotoxin (TTX). Depolarizations of striatal neurons with patch clamp<br />

recordings elicit Ca 2+ responses in SVZ cells surrounding visualized neuronal processes. Elicited<br />

SVZ Ca 2+ responses are blocked by TTX. SVZ Ca 2+ activity increases 20-40% after action<br />

potential induction of a nearby striatal neuron (n=5 slices, n=81 cells analyzed). Striatal neurons<br />

and their processes are visualized with Alexa 568 in the patch pipette, and SVZ cells are loaded<br />

with Fluo4-AM Ca 2+ dye.<br />

Collecitively, our results demonstrate that the striatum is in the ideal position to relay inputs from<br />

the olfactory bulb to the SVZ. Future experiments will test whether striatal spiny neurons<br />

projecting to the SVZ receive functional connections from the OB.<br />

Disclosures: K.A. Dave , None; S. Young, None; A. Bordey, None.

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