[Abstract Title]. - Society for Neuroscience

[Abstract Title]. - Society for Neuroscience

[Abstract Title]. - Society for Neuroscience


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Poster<br />

239. Structural Plasticity at Synapses I<br />

Time: Sunday, November 16, 2008, 1:00 pm - 5:00 pm<br />

Program#/Poster#: 239.3/D72<br />

Topic: B.08.i. Structural plasticity<br />

Support: NIH grant MH 071316<br />

AHA<br />

NARSAD<br />

NAAR<br />

<strong>Title</strong>: Autism-associated protein Epac2 promotes synapse destabilization and depression<br />

Authors: *K. WOOLFREY 1 , H. PHOTOWALA 1 , M. YAMASHITA 2 , M. V. BARBOLINA 3 ,<br />

D. P. SRIVASTAVA 1 , M. E. CAHILL 1 , Z. XIE 1 , K. A. JONES 1 , L. A. QUILLIAM 4 , M.<br />

PRAKRIYA 2 , P. PENZES 1 ;<br />

1 Physiol., 2 Mol. Pharmacol. and Biol. Chem., 3 Chem. and Biol. Engin., Northwestern Univ.,<br />

Chicago, IL; 4 Biochem. and Mol. Biol., Indiana Univ. Sch. of Med., Indianapolis, IN<br />

<strong>Abstract</strong>: Tight regulation of synapse assembly and structure is essential <strong>for</strong> cortical<br />

development and plasticity, and dysregulation of these processes can result in a variety of<br />

cognitive disorders, including the autism spectrum disorders (ASD). However, much remains<br />

unknown about the molecular mechanisms underlying synapse development and maturation and<br />

how they go awry in disease states. Genetic association studies have identified a number of genes<br />

associated with the autistic phenotype, many of which encode synaptic proteins. We have<br />

focused on one of these proteins, Epac2, which is a PKA-independent cAMP target and Rapguanine-nucleotide<br />

exchange factor (GEF). We report that Epac2 activation induces spine<br />

shrinkage, increases spine motility, reduces synaptic GluR2/3-containing AMPA receptors, and<br />

depresses excitatory transmission, effects blocked by Epac2 knockdown. Importantly, Epac2 also<br />

complexes with Neuroligins and Shank3, synaptic proteins previously implicated in the autistic<br />

phenotype. Collectively, these data identify a novel mechanism that promotes destabilization and<br />

depression of spiny synapses, malfunctioning of which may contribute to cortical dysfunction in<br />

ASD.<br />

Disclosures: K. Woolfrey , None; H. Photowala, None; M. Yamashita, None; M.V.<br />

Barbolina, None; D.P. Srivastava, None; M.E. Cahill, None; Z. Xie, None; L.A. Quilliam,<br />

None; K.A. Jones, None; P. Penzes, None; M. Prakriya, None.

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