[Abstract Title]. - Society for Neuroscience

[Abstract Title]. - Society for Neuroscience

[Abstract Title]. - Society for Neuroscience


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242). No significant differences in membrane electrical properties were observed between SPNs<br />

recorded in horizontal vs. transverse slices. When held at -80 mV, in response to intracellular<br />

current injection, most SPNs fired repetitively over a wide range of injected currents. However at<br />

potentials near resting membrane potential (-60 mV; mean Emr -59 mV), there was strong<br />

accommodation and several SPNs fired only single spikes.<br />

We then assessed the modulatory actions of serotonin (5HT), norepinephrine (NE) and dopamine<br />

(DA) on intrinsic membrane properties and glutamate receptor agonist-evoked currents. In the<br />

majority of SPNs recorded from, 5HT and NE depolarized the cell, accompanied by an increase<br />

in membrane input resistance and increased frequency response to current injection. DA alone<br />

and in combination, however, elicited a variety of responses, including hyperpolarizing and<br />

biphasic changes in membrane potential, increased and decreased input resistance, and altered<br />

current-frequency relations. Additionally, individual or combined monoamine application<br />

sometimes unmasked rebound excitation to hyperpolarizing current steps, supporting the<br />

presence of an anomalous rectifier (Miyazaki et al, Brain Research, 1996. 743: 1-10). In voltage<br />

clamp, NMDA and kainate evoked inward currents with characteristics I-V relations. 5HT, NE,<br />

and DA modulated these conductances. 5HT tended to facilitate while DA and NE tended to<br />

depress kainate and NMDA-evoked currents, although a diversity of responses were seen.<br />

Future studies are aimed at further detailing the neuromodulatory properties of specific<br />

monoamine receptor subtypes on SPN ligand- and voltage-gated ion channels.<br />

Disclosures: A.L. Zimmerman, None; S. Hochman, None.<br />

Poster<br />

240. Intrinsic Membrane Properties: Modulation of Neuronal Firing Properties by Inputs<br />

and Activity<br />

Time: Sunday, November 16, 2008, 1:00 pm - 5:00 pm<br />

Program#/Poster#: 240.3/E25<br />

Topic: B.10.b. Modulation of neuronal firing properties<br />

Support: NIAAA (R01AA014366) (D.R.)<br />

NIH/NIDA Intramural Research Program (T.S.)<br />

funds provided by the State of Cali<strong>for</strong>nia <strong>for</strong> medical research on alcohol and<br />

substance abuse through the University of Cali<strong>for</strong>nia, San Francisco (D.R.)<br />

<strong>Title</strong>: Rapid actions of glial cell line-derived neurotrophic factor on firing of ventral tegmental<br />

dopaminergic neurons and dopamine release in the nucleus accumbens

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