[Abstract Title]. - Society for Neuroscience

[Abstract Title]. - Society for Neuroscience

[Abstract Title]. - Society for Neuroscience


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Program#/Poster#: 259.6/BB2<br />

Topic: D.02.a. Mechanoreceptors and cochlea<br />

Support: EuroHear FP5 512063<br />

<strong>Title</strong>: Cochlear hair cell currents and tuning in adult rats<br />

Authors: J. HERING 1,2 , *C. PETIT 1,2,3 ;<br />

1 INSERM UMRS 587, Inst. Psteur, Paris Cedex 15, France; 2 Univ. Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris<br />

VI, France; 3 Collège de France, Paris, France<br />

<strong>Abstract</strong>: The sensory cells (hair cells) of the mammalian cochlea are involved <strong>for</strong> sound<br />

amplification (outer hair cells) and transduction into electrical signals (inner hair cells). The<br />

motion of the sensory epithelium (organ of Corti) is driven by the movement of the underlying<br />

basilar membrane. In non-mammalian species, auditory hair cells display electrical tuning, which<br />

enables each hair cell to respond preferentially to a “best frequency” of the basilar membrane<br />

movement (tonotopy). In mammals, electrical tuning of the hair cell response has neither been<br />

shown nor totally excluded. To address this issue, we have used the hemicochlea technique that<br />

preserves the integrity of the organ of Corti. Our setup combines electrophysiology,<br />

interferometry, and IR observation of the preparation. The recordings were made at 35-37°C in<br />

Wistar rats aged from P25 to 6 months. The hair cells were stimulated by the means of a tungsten<br />

probe (driven by a piezoelectrical actuator) applied on the basilar membrane, and delivering sine<br />

stimulations comparable to pure tones. Displacement and velocity of the basilar membrane were<br />

measured with a commercial interferometer (Polytec, France). The receptor potentials and<br />

currents of hair cells were recorded with the patch-clamp technique in whole-cell configuration.<br />

Because the stimulation and receptor potential acquisition were under computer control, we were<br />

able to determine the best frequency of each patched hair cell, which allowed us to record<br />

mechanoelectrical currents and receptor potentials at this particular frequency. In addition, the<br />

different hair cell conductances could be characterized by their pharmacological and biophysical<br />

properties. This unique system, combining different techniques, allowed us to study <strong>for</strong> the first<br />

time hair cell properties along the entire tonotopic axis of a mature cochlea.<br />

Disclosures: J. Hering, None; C. Petit , None.<br />

Poster<br />

259. Cochlear Mechanoreceptors<br />

Time: Sunday, November 16, 2008, 1:00 pm - 5:00 pm<br />

Program#/Poster#: 259.7/BB3

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