[Abstract Title]. - Society for Neuroscience

[Abstract Title]. - Society for Neuroscience

[Abstract Title]. - Society for Neuroscience


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NIMH<br />

<strong>Title</strong>: The transition to hyperexcitability in stellate cells (SCs) from layer II of the medial<br />

entorhinal cortex during temporal lobe epilepsy: A modeling study<br />

Authors: *H. G. ROTSTEIN 1 , T. KISPERSKY 2 , J. A. WHITE 3 ;<br />

1 Dept Math Sci., New Jersey Instit. Technol., Newark, NJ; 2 Program in Neurosci., Boston Univ.,<br />

Boston, MA; 3 Dept. of Bioengineering, Univ. of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT<br />

<strong>Abstract</strong>: Previous studies have shown that stellate cells (SCs) are hyperexcitable in animal<br />

models of temporal lobe epilepsy. A recent 'in vitro' study using pilocarpine-treated rats (Kumar<br />

et al. 2007) found evidence <strong>for</strong> the existence of recurrent excitatory connections among SCs,<br />

reduced recurrent inhibition among SCs in epileptic animals and no change in recurrent<br />

excitation. In this work we investigate the biophysical mechanism that governs the transition<br />

from normal to hyperexcitable spiking activity in SCs. We use biophysical (conductance based)<br />

modeling, simulations, dynamical systems techniques and dynamic clamp experiments. The SC<br />

model includes a persistent sodium, an h- and an M- currents. We show that a minimal network<br />

model including SCs and interneurons is able to qualitatively reproduce the experimental<br />

findings. This model displays an abrupt transition between the two frequency regimes as the<br />

result of small changes in the amount of inhibition. This abrupt transition also occurs in the<br />

absence of inhibition, as a result of small changes in the amount of recurrent excitation. To<br />

further investigate the biophysical mechanism that governs these phenomena we considered a<br />

single SC connected to itself via an autapse. This approximation mimics the network activity and<br />

is justified since SCs synchronize in phase and slightly out of phase in the theta and<br />

hyperexcitable regimes respectively. We show that the abrupt changes in firing frequency can be<br />

induced by increasing the amount of autaptic conductance, but not by increasing the level of the<br />

applied (tonic) current in an isolated SC; i.e., they are the result of phasic but not tonic<br />

excitation. 'In vitro' experimental resuts using a single, isolated SC and dynamic clamp to<br />

generate an autapse confirmed our theoretical predictions. Our results show that a single, isolated<br />

SCs have intrinsic dynamic properties that endow them with the potential ability to evolve on<br />

both fast and slow time scales, and that the combination of excitatory and inhibitory network<br />

properties determines the SC's frequency regime.<br />

Disclosures: H.G. Rotstein, None; T. Kispersky, None; J.A. White, None.<br />

Poster<br />

250. Epilepsy: Networks<br />

Time: Sunday, November 16, 2008, 1:00 pm - 5:00 pm<br />

Program#/Poster#: 250.12/V24

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