14.01.2014 Aufrufe

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Deutsch (27.2 MB) - Nagra

Deutsch (27.2 MB) - Nagra


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iotite-plagioclase-gneisses (partly hornblendebearing)<br />

with acidic dyke rocks. The latter make up<br />

around 18% of the drilled section in the Crystalline.<br />

The original material for the gneisses is assumed to<br />

be dolomitic claystones with a low aluminium content<br />

up to argillaceous to dolomitic graywackes<br />

which were subjected to overprinting by a regionalmetamorphism<br />

(amphibolite facies) with slight migmatization<br />

during the Caledonian orogeny.<br />

During the course of the Late Variscan-Upper Carboniferous<br />

movements and granite intrusions<br />

(around 300-320 Mio. years), the rocks at Weiach<br />

were partly subjected to intensive tectonohydrothermal<br />

overprinting. A combination of tectonic movement<br />

and convective circulation of a hot H20-NaCI<br />

fluid (possibly subject to local overpressures) led to<br />

marked cat aclasis and hydrothermal alterations. The<br />

metamorphic minerals were altered by the supply of<br />

H20 (± C02), involving mainly intergranular material<br />

exchange processes with conservation of overall rock<br />

chemistries. Ore-forming enrichment processes<br />

therefore did not occur. Alterations took place<br />

under retrograde conditions at temperatures below<br />

400°C and pressures below 1 kb. There must have<br />

been a strongly increased geothermal gradient which<br />

was probably caused by shallow intrusions in the<br />

environment.<br />

The calcite fractures, CaCh-rich fluid inclusions and<br />

Ca2 -+ - interlayer coatings of the layer silicates<br />

occurring in the Weiach Crystalline could all be evidence<br />

of Permian movements. Intensive Permian<br />

brittle deformation and breaking down into clay such<br />

as is found in the Crystalline of the Bottstein, Leuggem<br />

and Kaisten boreholes is not present in Weiach.<br />

Over 90% of the fractures are healed with new formations<br />

and contain mainly chlorite and calcite.<br />

Open fractures were observed only in the aplites.<br />

Sub-division into different fracture systems is not<br />

possible.<br />

Use of petrophysicallogs allowed a clear distinction<br />

to be drawn between gneisses and aplites, even in the<br />

bitted sections. However, further sub-division of the<br />

gneisses and clear identification of the structures<br />

present was not feasible.<br />

For both the Crystalline and the sediments, parameters<br />

such as composition of the clay minerals, rock<br />

chemistries (main- and trace elements), cation<br />

exchange capacity, rock and grain densities, specific<br />

surfaces and thermal conductivity were determined,<br />

the aim being, inter alia, to obtain base data on<br />

radionuclide retention in the rock.<br />

Borehole geophysics<br />

A comprehensive geophysical investigation programme<br />

was carried out in the Weiach borehole. The<br />

resulting data-set was compared with the results of<br />

drill-core analyses and tests carried out in the borehole.<br />

This allowed detailed information to be obtained<br />

even in sections with core-loss and in bitted sections.<br />

As expected, the petrophysical logs carried out by<br />

the Schlumberger company proved very suitable in<br />

the sediment section from the point of view of measuring<br />

the most important formation parameters "in<br />

situ".<br />

In addition a quantitative computer analysis using<br />

the @ GLOBAL programme was carried out in the<br />

sediments. This allowed identification of the rock<br />

formations drilled through, independent of the drillcores.<br />

It was also possible to make a volumetric analysis<br />

of the most important mineral components such<br />

as quartz, feldspar, calcite, dolomite, ankerite/siderite,<br />

anhydrite, iron ore and coal/tuffites, as<br />

well as of the porosity. The well-logging in the Crystalline<br />

is also sufficiently precise to allow recognition<br />

of qualitative features of the formations drilled<br />

through; quantitative interpretation is not possible<br />

since the specific composition of simultaneously<br />

occurring minerals and the effects of material migration<br />

and trace elements can not be calculated.<br />

Nevertheless, the lithology in the hitted sections<br />

could be determined satisfactorily using the<br />

@ LITHO-analysis.<br />

The orientation of the foliation and cleavage in the<br />

sediments was determined using log data obtained<br />

with the dipmeter probe. In the Crystalline the interpretation<br />

of the dipmeter log was possible only to a<br />

very limited extent since it is not always possible to<br />

distinguish the cleavage from cataclasites and schistosity<br />

planes.<br />

Borehole seismic and gravimetric measurements provided<br />

the basis for the recalibration of the sonic and<br />

density logs and allowed precise, reliable interpretation<br />

of the seismic reflection and gravimetric surface<br />

data.<br />

Evaluation of the geothermal data showed a correlation<br />

between thermal conductivity and seismic velocity,<br />

with a marked rise in the temperature curve in<br />

the vicinity of the "heat-accumulating" coal intercalations.<br />

The average geothermal gradient in Weiach<br />

can be taken as 41-46°C/km.

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