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Plenarvorträge - DPG-Tagungen


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Dynamik und Statistische Physik Freitag<br />

DY 51.3 Fr 11:15 H3<br />

Nematic-mediated interaction between colloidal particles with<br />

opposing anchoring: a Derjaguin approach — •Maria Inmaculada<br />

Rodriguez-Ponce 1 , Jose Manuel Romero-Enrique 2 , and<br />

Luis F Rull 3 — 1 Lehrstuhl 5 fuer theoretische Physik, Physik Department,<br />

Technische Universitaet Muenchen (Germany) — 2 Imperial<br />

College of Science, Technology and Medecine. Department of Mathematics<br />

(London, U. K.) — 3 Departamento de Fisica Atomica, Molecular y<br />

Nuclear. Area de Fisica Teorica, Universidad de Sevilla (Sp ain)<br />

We will consider the effect of a nematic solvent on the effective interction<br />

between two colloidal particles which favour homeotropic and<br />

planar anchoring, respectively. Neglecting the effect of the nematic director<br />

field distorsion at large distances, the short-distance effective interaction<br />

between colloidal particles can be related to the hybrid slit<br />

pore solvation force via Derjaguin approximation. We present the rich<br />

phenomenology that the hybrid slitpresents as the anchoring potential<br />

strengths are tuned. This study has been performed in the framework of<br />

the Density Functional Theory.<br />

DY 51.4 Fr 11:30 H3<br />

Phase behavior of a 2D colloidal system on a triangular lattice<br />

— •Andreja Sarlah 1 , Thomas Franosch 1 , and Erwin Frey 1,2 —<br />

1 Hahn-Meitner-Institut, Glienicker Straße 100, D-14109 Berlin, Germany<br />

— 2 Freie Universität Berlin, Arnimallee 14, D-14195 Berlin, Germany<br />

We studied the phase behavior in 2D colloidal systems under the influence<br />

of an external periodic potential created by the interference pattern<br />

of laser beams forming a triangular lattice. In the special case, where the<br />

numbers of colloidal particles and of potential minima are commensurate,<br />

an integer number of particles gathers in each potential minimum. The<br />

colloidal particles within a single potential minimum form a composite<br />

object whose effective degrees of freedom are a few discrete orientational<br />

states. Upon increasing the strength of the external potential, first the<br />

composite objects orient, however, above some higher critical value, the<br />

long-range orientational order is lost. In particular, we are interested in<br />

systems with composite objects of 2 or 3 colloidal particles, i.e., dimers<br />

or trimers, respectively. In these systems, the orientational ordering provides<br />

a realization of 2D discrete spin models. The case of trimers can<br />

be mapped to the spin-1/2 Ising model whereas the system of dimers<br />

is mapped to a spin model characterized by several independent control<br />

parameters leading to a richer phase diagram. Our theoretical results are<br />

in good agreement with the recently reported experimental results. We<br />

predict that by varying the strength of the screened interaction among<br />

colloidal particles at least a part of the phase diagram of a spin model<br />

for dimers should be accessible by experimental studies.<br />

DY 51.5 Fr 11:45 H3<br />

Phase diagram of random copolymers — •Christian Wald 1 , Annette<br />

Zippelius 1 und Ben Vollmayr-Lee 2 — 1 Institut für Theoretische<br />

Physik, Universität Göttingen — 2 Department of Physics, Bucknell<br />

University, Lewisburg, PA 17837, USA<br />

The phase diagram of random copolymers is still controversial: Whereas<br />

Flory-Huggins theory predicts a sequence of separations into many homogeneous<br />

phases [1], Landau theory favors microphase separation into<br />

self-organized microstructures [2]. Simulations disagree with both models<br />

[3].<br />

We show that the Flory-Huggins free energy can be obtained by coarse-<br />

graining the same microscopic model which also yields the Ginzburg-<br />

Landau expansion for a second order transition. The phase diagram is<br />

discussed for both pictures. Within Landau theory we find a sequence<br />

of transitions from a disordered phase to two macroscopic phases and<br />

finally to microphases. In contrast to the literature [1] we also find that<br />

the microphase transition is always of first order and characterized by<br />

a finite length scale. Consequently, a coexistence of three phases should<br />

be observable. The treatment of both theories is extended to include the<br />

effects of compressibility.<br />

[1] A. Nesarikar et al., J. Chem. Phys. 98(9), 7385 (1993)<br />

[2] G. H. Fredrickson et al., Macromol. 25(23), 6341 (1992)<br />

[3] J. Houdayer and M. Müller, Europhys. Lett. 58(5), 660 (2002)<br />

DY 51.6 Fr 12:00 H3<br />

Rheology and Microscopic Topology of Entangled Polymeric<br />

Liquids — •Ralf Everaers 1 , Sathish K. Sukumaran 2 , Gary S.<br />

Grest 3 , Carsten Svaneborg 1 , Arvind Sivasubramanian 2 , and<br />

Kurt Kremer 2 — 1 Max-Planck-Institut f¨r Physik komplexer Systeme,<br />

Nöthnitzerstr. 38, 01187 Dresden, Germany — 2 Max-Planck-Institut für<br />

Polymerforschung, Ackermannweg 10, 55128 Mainz, Germany — 3 Sandia<br />

National Laboratories, Albuquerque, New Mexico 87185, USA<br />

The viscoelastic properties of entangled polymeric liquids are dominated<br />

by topological constraints on a molecular level. These entanglements<br />

confine the motion of individual polymers to a curvilinear diffusion<br />

along the coarse grained chain contours, the reptation tube. The relationship<br />

between the reptation tube and the static structure of the entangled<br />

polymers, however, has remained unclear. Here, we present a “primitive<br />

path” analysis of the microscopic topological state of (bead-spring)<br />

model polymer solutions and melts and show that the predicted plateau<br />

moduli, G 0 N, are in quantitative agreement with the experimentally determined<br />

values for all major classes of synthetic polymers. Our approach<br />

opens the way to a systematic study of structure-property relations and a<br />

direct observation of the major relaxation mechanisms for polymers discussed<br />

in the literature: reptation, constraint release and contour length<br />

fluctuations of the primitive path.<br />

DY 51.7 Fr 12:15 H3<br />

Simulation of Polymer Dynamics in a Mesoscopic Solvent —<br />

•Kiaresch Mussawisade, Marisol Ripoll, Roland G. Winkler,<br />

and Gerhard Gompper — Institut Theorie II, Forschungszentrum<br />

Jülich, D-52425 Jülich<br />

We study the dynamics of a polymer chain in a mesoscopic solvent<br />

by combining Multi-Particle-Collision dynamics (MPCD) and molecular<br />

dynamics simulations (MD). In particular, we are interested in hydrodynamic<br />

interactions obtained by this method and their influence on the<br />

dynamics of the polymer chain. One of the advantages of this method,<br />

compared to other simulation methods, is that the viscosity of the solvent<br />

can easily be tuned by changing the system parameters. We observe<br />

an increased diffusion coefficient of the polymer chain in our simulations<br />

which we attribute to the hydrodynamic interactions. On the other hand,<br />

by considering the relaxation modes of the polymer chain, we find that<br />

the strength of the hydrodynamic interactions depends strongly on the<br />

particular choice of the parameter set so that both Rouse- and Zimm-like<br />

dynamics can be obtained. We have studied chains with and without excluded<br />

volume interactions between the polymer beads. Zimm-like scaling<br />

of the relaxation mode amplitudes is found in both cases at large Schmidt<br />


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