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Plenarvorträge - DPG-Tagungen

Plenarvorträge - DPG-Tagungen


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Dynamik und Statistische Physik Mittwoch<br />

DY 34 Nonlinear Dynamics and Chaos I<br />

Zeit: Mittwoch 14:30–16:30 Raum: H2<br />

DY 34.1 Mi 14:30 H2<br />

Angewandte Verkehrsprognose - ein multimodaler Ansatz im<br />

Betrieb — •Roland Chrobok, Sigurdur F. Hafstein, Florian<br />

Mazur, Andreas Pottmeier und Michael Schreckenberg<br />

— Universität Duisburg-Essen, Physik von Transport und Verkehr, Lotharstr.<br />

1, 47048 Duisburg<br />

Verschiedene Ansätze sind in der Vergangenheit unternommen worden,<br />

Verkehr zu prognostizieren. Bei der Wahl des richtigen Prognosemodells<br />

spielt der Prognosehorizont eine entscheidende Bedeutung. Für langfristige<br />

Prognosen über Jahrzehnte, wie sie in der Verkehrsplanung von Bedeutung<br />

sind, müssen gewisse Annahmen über Bevölkerungsentwicklung<br />

und Wirtschaftswachstum getroffen werden. Für mittelfristige Prognosen<br />

über Tage, Wochen und Monate, wie sie zur Reiseplanung herangezogen<br />

werden, haben sich Heuristiken, also Erfahrungswerte, bewährt. Bei<br />

Kurzfristprognosen über einen Zeitraum von einigen Minuten bis hin zu<br />

mehreren Stunden gewinnt die Kenntnis über den aktuellen Verkehrszustand<br />

an Bedeutung. Phasenraummodelle, parametrisierte Regression<br />

oder verwandte Verfahren sind in vielen Bereichen im Einsatz.<br />

Vorgestellt wird ein multimodaler Ansatz zur Mittel- und Kurzfristprognose,<br />

wie er in einem viel benutzten Verkehrsinformationssystem<br />

verwendet wird. Hauptaugenmerk liegt neben der Prognosegenauigkeit<br />

und der variablen Wahl des Prognosehorizontes auf der praktikablen Implementierung<br />

und der ökonomischen Anwendbarkeit.<br />

DY 34.2 Mi 14:45 H2<br />

Latency effects in time-delay feedback control of chaos —<br />

•Philipp Hövel 1 , Eckehard Schöll 1 , Joshua E. S. Socolar 2 ,<br />

and Wolfram Just 3 — 1 Technische Universität Berlin, 10623 Berlin,<br />

Germany — 2 Duke University, Durham, North Carolina, USA —<br />

3 Queen Mary/ University of London, London, UK<br />

Unstable periodic orbits can be controlled by time-delay feedback<br />

methods. We present a stability analysis in the case of extended timedelay<br />

autosynchronization. Our analysis includes effects of non-zero latency<br />

time, i.e., the time associated with the generation and injection of<br />

the feedback signal. We derive a theoretical explanation for experimentally<br />

observed, nontrivial features of the domain of control, e.g., gaps,<br />

maximum latency times. The explanation is done in the background of<br />

Floquet theory and we take both the unstable eigenmode and a single<br />

stable eigenmode into account.<br />

DY 34.3 Mi 15:00 H2<br />

Minimal model for tag-based cooperation — •Arne Traulsen<br />

and Heinz Georg Schuster — Institut für theoretische Physik und<br />

Astrophysik, Christian-Albrechts Universität, Olshausenstr. 40, 24098<br />

Kiel<br />

Recently, Riolo et al. [Riolo et al., Nature 414, 441 (2001)] showed<br />

by computer simulations that cooperation can arise without reciprocity<br />

when agents donate only to partners who are sufficiently similar to themselves.<br />

One striking outcome of their simulations was the observation that<br />

the number of tolerant agents that support a wide range of players was<br />

not constant in time, but showed characteristic fluctuations. The cause<br />

and robustness of these tides of tolerance remained to be explored. We<br />

clarify the situation by solving a minimal mean-field version of the model<br />

of Riolo et al. [Traulsen and Schuster, Phys. Rev. E. 68, 046129 (2003)].<br />

It allows us to identify a net surplus of random changes from intolerant<br />

to tolerant agents as a necessary mechanism that produces these oscillations<br />

of tolerance, which segregate different agents in time. This provides<br />

a new mechanism for maintaining different agents, i.e., for creating biodiversity.<br />

In our model the transition to the oscillating state is caused<br />

by a saddle node bifurcation. The frequency of the oscillations increases<br />

linearly with the transition rate from tolerant to intolerant agents.<br />

DY 34.4 Mi 15:15 H2<br />

Recovering the dynamical system from short and contaminated<br />

segments of a chaotic trajectory — •Luis Sandoval and Rafael<br />

Gutiérrez — Grupo de Sistemas Complejos, Universidad Antonio<br />

Nariño, Calle 58A 37-94, Bogotá, Colombia<br />

In this work we determine the sufficient characteristics of a trajectory<br />

segment of known chaotic attractors to recover the corresponding dynamical<br />

model. The sufficient conditions correspond to: the size of the<br />

trajectory segment, the localization of the trajectory segment, and the<br />

density of points or sampling frequency. The contamination and resolution<br />

of the data points make the sufficient conditions vary. The dynamical<br />

models considered have all possible nonlinearities up to order two characterized<br />

by thirty parameters. The values of the parameters are obtained<br />

from each trajectory segment and then compared with the corresponding<br />

values of the known dynamical system with chaotic solutions. In many<br />

cases the chaotic solutions are not very sensitive to variations of some parameter<br />

values making the comparison of similar but different dynamical<br />

systems not well defined in terms of their corresponding chaotic solutions.<br />

We solve this problem by using synchronization and estimation of<br />

dynamical measures.<br />

DY 34.5 Mi 15:30 H2<br />

Retinotopic Projections between Discrete Euclidean Manifolds<br />

— •Martin Güßmann 1 , Axel Pelster 2 , and Günter Wunner 1<br />

— 1 Institut für Theoretische Physik 1, Universität Stuttgart, Pfaffenwaldring<br />

57, D-70550 Stuttgart — 2 Institut für Theoretische Physik,<br />

Freie Universität Berlin, Arnimallee 14, D-14195 Berlin<br />

In the course of ontogenesis of vertebrate animals well-ordered neural<br />

connections are established between retina and tectum, a part of the<br />

brain which plays an important role in processing optical information.<br />

As a result of this self-organization process a retinotopic projection is<br />

formed, i.e. neighbouring retinal cells project onto neighbouring cells of<br />

the tectum. We generalize the model of Ref. [1] to obtain order parameter<br />

equations for the connection strengths between two manifolds of<br />

arbitrary geometry. Here we consider the case of discrete n-dimensional<br />

Euclidean manifolds. For the linear chain we are interested in the question<br />

under which circumstances retinotopic or non-retinotopic modes become<br />

unstable. Furthermore, we investigate the generation of retinotopic projections<br />

between two planes. An important result consists in the fact that<br />

this case cannot be reduced to two linear problems, i.e. there is no trivial<br />

decoupling of the two dimensions. The existence of a potential dynamics<br />

of the order parameters is discussed in detail.<br />

[1] A.F. Häussler and C. von der Malsburg, J. Theoret. Neurobiol. 2, 47<br />

(1983)<br />

DY 34.6 Mi 15:45 H2<br />

Spatio-Temporal Structures in a Biological Model with Delay<br />

and Diffusion — •Martin Ohlerich 1 , Michael Bestehorn 1 und<br />

Elena Grigorieva 2 — 1 Lehrstuhl Theoretische Physik II, BTU Cottbus,<br />

Erich-Weinert Strasse 1, 03046 Cottbus, Germany — 2 Belarus State<br />

University, Department of Physics, 220050 Minsk, Belarus<br />

Pattern formation described by differential-difference equations with<br />

diffusion is investigated. It is shown that an arbitrarily small diffusion<br />

induces space-time turbulence just at instability threshold of the homogeneous<br />

stationary solution. We prove this property deriving a complex<br />

Ginzburg-Landau equation on the basis of normal form analysis.<br />

Well above threshold, such turbulent structures give way to synchronized<br />

states ordered by spirals and targets.<br />

paper submitted to Phys. Rev. E<br />

DY 34.7 Mi 16:00 H2<br />

Synchronisationseffekte in global gekoppelten Netzwerken als<br />

— •Alexander Skupin — Humboldt Universität zu Berlin, Newtonstr.14,<br />

10245 Berlin<br />

Aus biologisch-medizinischer Motivation werden (De)Synchronisationeffekte<br />

in globale gekoppelten Netzwerken untersucht und als Modell eines<br />

an Parkinson erkrankten Thalamus verwendet. Dabei wird ein Vergleich<br />

zwischen dem Phasenoszillatoren-Netzwerk (Kuramoto) und einem<br />

FitzHugh-Nagumo-Netzwerk (FHN) gezogen. In beiden Fällen werden<br />

Ordnungsparameter Z eingeführt und die Wirkung eines externes Signal<br />

(Stimulus) auf diese gezeigt. Damit wird im Kuramotomodell ein optimaler<br />

Stimulus zur Desynchronisation gesucht und das Verhalten des<br />

FHN-Netzwerk auf diesen untersucht.<br />

DY 34.8 Mi 16:15 H2<br />

Synchronization of Random Walks with Reflecting Boundaries<br />

— •Andreas Ruttor, Georg Reents, and Wolfgang Kinzel —<br />

Institut für Theoretische Physik, Universität Würzburg, Am Hubland,<br />

97074 Würzburg<br />

Neural networks can synchronize by mutual learning. If the learning

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