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Halbleiterphysik Donnerstag<br />

HL 37 Quantenpunkte und -drähte: Transporteigenschaften<br />

Zeit: Donnerstag 10:15–13:30 Raum: H13<br />

HL 37.1 Do 10:15 H13<br />

Spin Blockade in Capacitively Coupled Quantum Dots — •M.<br />

C. Rogge, C. Fühner, U. F. Keyser, and R. J. Haug — Institut<br />

für Festkörperphysik, Universität Hannover, D-30167 Hannover<br />

We present transport measurements on a lateral double dot produced<br />

by combining local anodic oxidation and electron beam lithography [1].<br />

Our device is based on a GaAs/AlGaAs heterostructure containing a<br />

two-dimensional electron system (2DES) 34 nm below the surface. We<br />

use an atomic force microscope (AFM) to write the basic double dot<br />

structure by local anodic oxidation (LAO) [2]. We complete our device<br />

with a metallic top gate patterned with e-beam lithography to add the<br />

function of controlled tunability of the interdot coupling. We investigate<br />

our device in transport measurements in a 3He/4He dilution refrigerator<br />

and demonstrate, that we can switch between capacitive and tunnel<br />

coupling with top gate voltage. In the regime of capacitive coupling we<br />

focus on the magnetic field dependence in the Coulomb blockade regime.<br />

We observe oscillating peak positions and peak amplitudes for transport<br />

over one dot. This is explained by the phenomenon of spin blockade [3],<br />

which has not been observed in LAO-devices so far. We investigate this<br />

effect and analyze the influence of capacitive interdot coupling in this<br />

regime [4].<br />

[1] M. C. Rogge et al., Appl. Phys. Lett. 83, 1163 (2003)<br />

[2] U. F. Keyser et al., Appl. Phys. Lett. 76, 457 (2000)<br />

[3] M. Ciorga et al., Phys. Rev. B 61, R16315 (2000)<br />

[4] M. C. Rogge et al., cond-mat/0310469 (2003)<br />

HL 37.2 Do 10:30 H13<br />

Wave-function mapping of InAs quantum dots by scanning<br />

tunneling spectroscopy — •Theophilos Maltezopoulos, Arne<br />

Bolz, Christian Meyer, Christian Heyn, Wolfgang Hansen,<br />

Markus Morgenstern, and Roland Wiesendanger — Institute of<br />

Applied Physics, University of Hamburg, Jungiusstr. 11, D-20355 Hamburg,<br />

Germany<br />

Low temperature UHV scanning tunneling spectroscopy is used to investigate<br />

the single-electron states and the corresponding squared wavefunctions<br />

of individual and free-standing strain-induced InAs quantum<br />

dots grown on GaAs(001) by molecular beam epitaxy. Several peaks are<br />

found in dI/dV -curves above the dots, which belong to different singleelectron<br />

states. Spatially resolved dI/dV -images at the peak positions<br />

reveal (000)-, (100)-, (010)-, (200)-, and (300)-states, where the numbers<br />

describe the number of nodes in [110]-, [110]-, and [001]-direction, respectively.<br />

It is found, that the total number and energetic sequence of<br />

states is different for different dots. Additionally, the (010)-state is often<br />

missing, even when (200)- and (300)-states are present. This electronic<br />

anisotropy is attributed to the shape asymmetry of the dots.<br />

HL 37.3 Do 10:45 H13<br />

Direct observation of tunneling escape from InAs/GaAs<br />

quantum dots — •Erik Stock, Martin Geller, Roman Sellin,<br />

and Dieter Bimberg — Technische Universität Berlin, Institut für<br />

Festkörperphysik Hardenbergstr. 35, 10623 Berlin<br />

A major challenge in the investigations of quantum dots (QDs) is to<br />

distinguish between two competing charge carrier emission processes:<br />

thermal activated and tunneling emission [1]. We report here the first<br />

observation of the hole tunneling process via time resolved capacitance<br />

transient spectroscopy (DLTS) measurements at low temperature, where<br />

thermal emission is negligible. The escape time observed by us is independent<br />

from the temperature but strongly depends on the applied reverse<br />

bias, which determines the electric field in the QD layer. The measured<br />

hole tunneling emission time constant is in the order of seconds (for electric<br />

fields of about 100kV/cm), approximately three orders of magnitude<br />

larger than for the ground state tunneling of electrons. The dependence of<br />

the tunneling time constant on the electric field is compared to a model,<br />

assuming a triangular barrier with a potential depth measured directly<br />

by DLTS and photoluminescence excitation (PLE) measurements.<br />

This work was funded by the Nanomat project of the European Commission<br />

Growth Programme, contract number G5RD-CT-2001-00545, Intas<br />

project 2001-774, and SFB 296 of DFG.<br />

[1] C.M.A. Kapteyn et al. Phys. Rev. B 60, (20), 14265 (1999)<br />

HL 37.4 Do 11:00 H13<br />

Spin effects in quantum dots — •Jens Könemann 1 , D. K.<br />

Maude 2 , V. Avrutin 3 , A. Waag 3 , and R. J. Haug 1 — 1 Institut<br />

für Festkörperphysik, Universität Hannover, Appelstrasse 2, D-30167<br />

Hannover, Germany — 2 High Magnetic Field Laboratory, CNRS, 25<br />

Avenue des Martyrs, BP 166, F-38042 Grenoble cedex 9, France —<br />

3 Abteilung Halbleiterphysik, Universität Ulm, Albert-Einstein-Allee<br />

45,D-89069 Ulm, Germany<br />

We present spin-resolved measurements of the transport spectrum of<br />

an individual localized state in a double-barrier resonant tunneling device<br />

probed by single-electron tunneling [1]. We investigated the spin splitting<br />

of ground and excited states and found a deviation to a linear increase<br />

of spin splitting with magnetic field beyond 18 T. Astonishingly, we observed<br />

at high magnetic fields above 14 T a flip of the resonance position<br />

of the energetically higher spin component to a lower energy, whereas the<br />

other spin-component remained unchanged. A hysteresis effect appeared<br />

at the spin flip region as well. Such ”spin-flip”behaviour was observed<br />

on different Fock-Darwin levels, where it occurred at different magnetic<br />

fields. We relate this effect to the presence of magnetic impurities residual<br />

inside the quantum well.<br />

[1] J. Könemann et al., to appear in Physica E<br />

HL 37.5 Do 11:15 H13<br />

Coulomb effects in tunneling through a quantum dot stack — H.<br />

Sprekeler, •G. Kießlich, A. Wacker, and E. Schöll — Institut<br />

für Theoretische Physik, TU Berlin, Hardenbergstr. 36, 10623 Berlin<br />

Resonant tunneling through two vertically coupled self-organized quantum<br />

dots is studied by means of a Pauli master equation model. The<br />

observation of double peaks in the current-voltage characteristic in a recent<br />

experiment [1] as a signature of Coulomb interaction is analyzed in<br />

terms of the tunnel coupling between the quantum dots and the coupling<br />

to the contacts. Different regimes for the emitter chemical potential indicating<br />

different peak scenarios in the tunneling current are discussed. By<br />

comparison with a density matrix approach we show that the interplay<br />

of coherent and incoherent effects in the stationary current can be fully<br />

described by this approach.<br />

[1] M. Borgstrom, T. Bryllert, T. Sass, B. Gustafson, L.-E. Wernersson,<br />

W. Seifert, and L. Samuelson, Appl. Phys. Lett. 78, 3232 (2001)<br />

[2] H. Sprekeler, G. Kießlich, A. Wacker, and E. Schöll, cond-mat/0309696<br />

(unpublished)<br />

HL 37.6 Do 11:30 H13<br />

Fano and Kondo Resonances in Three-Leaded Quantum Dot<br />

Systems — •Armin C. Welker, David Quirion, Juergen Weis<br />

und Klaus v. Klitzing — Max-Planck-Institut fuer Festkoerperforschung,<br />

D -70569 Stuttgart, Heisenbergstr. 1, Germany<br />

The spectral function or density of states of a quantum dot coupled<br />

to two leads can be investigated by weakly coupling a third lead to the<br />

quantum dot. For doing so, the differential conductance to this third lead<br />

is measured as a function of the bias voltage applied to this probing lead<br />

in reference of the two main leads. The feasibility of this approach for<br />

investigating the out-of-equilibrium splitting of the Kondo resonance has<br />

been theoretically explored [1]. We present our preliminary experimental<br />

results on a split-gate quantum dot indicating this splitting.<br />

In addition, measurements on a quantum dot system are shown in the<br />

regime of strong coupling to the two main leads where Fano-like resonances<br />

occur. A peak in the differential conductance to the third lead is<br />

observed whenever a Fano-like resonance is obtained in the conductance<br />

between the two main leads. [1] E. Lebanon and A. Schiller, Phys. Rev.<br />

B 65, 035308 (2002).<br />

HL 37.7 Do 11:45 H13<br />

Hole transport through an array of self-assembled Ge quantum<br />

dots — •Kai-Martin Haendel 1 , U. Denker 2 , O. G. Schmidt 2 ,<br />

and R. J. Haug 1 — 1 Institut für Festkörperphysik, Universität<br />

Hannover, Appelstr. 2, 30167 Hannover — 2 Max-Planck-Institut für<br />

Festkörperforschung, Heisenbergstr. 1, 70569 Stuttgart<br />

In recent years, several features of quantum states in self-assembeld Ge<br />

quantum dots have been demonstrated by various spectroscopic studies,<br />

such as admittance, capacitance-voltage analysis, photoluminescence and<br />

photoluminescence excitation spectroscopy.

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