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Tiefe Temperaturen Montag<br />

TT 3.2 Mo 09:45 H18<br />

Spectral Properties of One-Dimensional Heisenberg Antiferromagnets<br />

— •Kai P. Schmidt, Alexander Reischl, Sébastien<br />

Dusuel, and Götz S. Uhrig — Zülpicherstr. 77, D-50937 Köln, Germany<br />

Spectral properties of the dimerized and frustrated S = 1/2 spin chain<br />

are calculated by particle-conserving continuous unitary transformations<br />

(P-CUT’s). A detailed analysis of spectral weights and spectral densities<br />

for various excitation processes will be given. The results are relevant<br />

for inelastic neutron scattering (INS), Raman spectroscopy and infrared<br />

(IR) spectroscopy. The use of triplons (elementary triplets) as elementary<br />

excitations gives a new perspective for the description of low dimensional<br />

quantum spin liquids.<br />

[1] K.P. Schmidt and G.S. Uhrig, Phys. Rev. Lett. 90, 227204 (2003)<br />

[2] K.P. Schmidt, C. Knetter and G.S. Uhrig, cond-mat/0307678<br />

TT 3.3 Mo 10:00 H18<br />

Dimer Korrelationen im dimerisierten eindimensionalen S = 1/2<br />

Heisenberg-Modell — •Carsten Aits und Ute Löw — Universität<br />

zu Köln, Institut für Theoretische Physik, Zülpicher Str. 77, 50937 Köln<br />

Wir untersuchen das Verhalten der Dimer-Korrelationen im eindimensionalen<br />

S = 1/2 Heisenberg-Modell mit und ohne statische Dimerisierung.<br />

Dazu werden numerische Resultate aus exakter Diagonalisierung<br />

und Quanten-Monte-Carlo analysiert. Im nicht dimerisierten Fall werden<br />

die Ergebnisse mit Aussagen aus der konformen Feldtheorie verglichen.<br />

Darüberhinaus wird in dimerisierten Ketten der Zusammenhang<br />

zwischen dem statischen Strukturfaktor und dem Skalenverhalten von<br />

Grundzustandsenergie bzw. Anregungslücke diskutiert.<br />

TT 3.4 Mo 10:15 H18<br />

Theory of spin waves in diluted-magnetic-semiconductor quantum<br />

wells — •Diego Frustaglia 1,2 , Jürgen König 3,2 , and Allan<br />

MacDonald 4 — 1 Scuola Normale Superiore, Pisa, Italy — 2 Institut<br />

für Theoretische Festkörperphysik, Universität Karlsruhe, Germany —<br />

3 Institut für Theoretische Physik III, Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Germany<br />

— 4 Department of Physics, University of Texas, Austin, USA<br />

We present a theory of collective spin excitations in diluted magnetic<br />

semiconductor quantum wells, in which local magnetic moments are magnetically<br />

coupled via a quasi-two-dimensional electron or hole gas. In<br />

contrast to bulk systems, a multiplet of spin-wave branches is predicted.<br />

We discuss the dispersion of these collective excitations and the profiles<br />

of the corresponding modes for different magnetic-ion doping concentrations<br />

and free-carrier densities. In the case of a ferromagnetic state with<br />

a partially spin-polarized two-dimensional electron gas, we find that the<br />

Goldstone collective mode has anomalous k 4 dispersion and that for symmetric<br />

quantum wells odd parity modes do not disperse at all. Moreover,<br />

we further discuss the gap in the collective excitation spectrum which<br />

appears when spin-orbit interactions are included.<br />

TT 3.5 Mo 10:30 H18<br />

Magnetocaloric effect in one-dimensional quantum spin models<br />

— •A. Honecker 1 and M.E. Zhitomirsky 2 — 1 Universität Hannover,<br />

Institut für Theoretische Physik, Appelstraße 2, 30167 Hannover<br />

— 2 Commissariat à l’Énergie Atomique, DMS/DRFMC/SPSMS, 38054<br />

Grenoble, Cedex 9 France<br />

An external magnetic field induces changes in the entropy of a quantum<br />

spin system at finite temperatures which can be rather large in<br />

particular if the spin system is geometrically frustrated. This implies<br />

a magnetocaloric effect, i.e. a change in temperature during an adiabatic<br />

(de)magnetization process. Here we study several examples of onedimensional<br />

spin models with low spin quantum number (S = 1/2 and 1)<br />

employing exact diagonalization and the Jordan-Wigner transformation.<br />

During an adiabatic (de)magnetization process the temperature drops<br />

in the vicinity of a field-induced zero-temperature quantum phase transition.<br />

Comparing different levels of frustration, we find that more frustrated<br />

systems cool down to lower temperatures. Our study demonstrates<br />

that frustrated quantum spin systems are promisimng alternative refrigerant<br />

materials for low-temperature magnetic refrigeration.<br />

TT 3.6 Mo 10:45 H18<br />

Non-dissipative thermal transport and crossover phenomena in<br />

the gapped spin-1/2 XXZ chain — •Andreas Klümper 1 and<br />

Kazumitsu Sakai 2 — 1 Universität Wuppertal, Theoretische Physik,<br />

Gauß-Straße 20 — 2 Institute for solid state physics, University of Tokyo<br />

We present exact results on the thermal conductivity of the onedimensional<br />

spin-1/2 XXZ model in the gapless and the massive antiferromagnetic<br />

as well as ferromagnetic regimes. The thermal Drude weight<br />

is calculated by a lattice path integral formulation. Numerical results for<br />

wide ranges of temperature and anisotropy as well as analytical results<br />

in the low and high temperature limits are presented. At finite temperature,<br />

the thermal Drude weight is finite and hence there is non-dissipative<br />

thermal transport even in the massive regimes.<br />

At low temperature, the thermal Drude weight behaves as Dth(T) ∼ T<br />

in the gapless regime, and as Dth(T) ∼ e −δ/T / √ T in the gapped<br />

regimes where δ is the one-spinon/one-magnon excitation gap in the<br />

antiferromagnetic/ferromagnetic case. In the ferromagnetic regime we<br />

observe a crossover in the low-temperature behaviour of the ratio of the<br />

thermal Drude weight and the specific heat from Dth(T)/C(T) ≃ T to<br />

Dth(T)/C(T) ≃ T 3/2 e −β(δm−δs) when changing from ∆ < 5/3 to ∆ > 5/3<br />

(δm and δs are the magnon and the spinon gap).<br />

TT 3.7 Mo 11:00 H18<br />

Integral representations of correlation functions for the<br />

anisotropic Heisenberg chain at finite temperatures — •Frank<br />

Göhmann and Alexander Seel — Fachbereich C, Physik, Bergische<br />

Universität Wuppertal, 42097 Wuppertal<br />

We derived novel integral representations for correlation functions of<br />

the anisotropic Heisenberg chain at finite values of the temperature and<br />

the applied magnetic field. Our work is based on a combination of Bethe<br />

ansatz techniques for the calculation of matrix elements with the quantum<br />

transfer matrix approach.<br />

TT 3.8 Mo 11:15 H18<br />

Spin dynamics of 1D supersymmetric t-J model with 1/r2 interaction<br />

— •Mitsuhiro Arikawa — Institut fuer Theoretische Physik<br />

III, Universitaet Stuttgart, Pfaffenwaldring 57, D-70550 Stuttgart<br />

We report on analytic results on dynamical spin structure factor<br />

S(q, ω) for 1D supersymmetric t-J model with 1/r2 interaction. In this<br />

model, the elementary excitations, spinons and holons appear as free<br />

particle obeying fractional statistics. we presented that interpretation<br />

of S(q, ω) requires both fractionalized and non-fractionalized electrons.<br />

Our results constitutes the first analytical knowledge for S(q, ω) of lattice<br />

electrons with no restriction on the density and the momentum-frequency<br />

range. We discuss how these excitations appear in the dynamics in wide<br />

range energy region.<br />

TT 3.9 Mo 11:30 H18<br />

Effects of proper crystal embedding for low dimensional spin<br />

systems — •H. Rosner 1 , S.-L. Drechsler 2 , M. Knupfer 2 , J.<br />

Málek 2 , H. Eschrig 2 , J. Richter 3 , A. Moskvin 4 , W. Ku 5 , and<br />

W.E. Pickett 5 — 1 Max Planck Institut für Chemische Physik fester<br />

Stoffe — 2 Institut für Festkörper- und Werkstoffforschung Dresden —<br />

3 Universität Magdeburg — 4 Ural State University Ekatarinenburg, Russia<br />

— 5 University of California Davis, USA<br />

Many approaches for the description of low dimensional spin systems<br />

consider their isolated structural units only. Here, we emphasize the importance<br />

of the proper embedding of these structural units in the crystal.<br />

Effects resulting from the crystal field and the inter-unit interaction<br />

are studied in detail for several selected model compounds as Li2CuO2,<br />

LiCu2O2, Cu(Si)GeO3 or CaCu2O3. Band structure calculation, exact<br />

diagonalization and various spectroscopic, magnetic and thermodynamic<br />

data are joined to suggest a novel consistent picture.<br />

TT 3.10 Mo 11:45 H18<br />

Thermal conductivity of spin-1/2 chains — •Achim Rosch 1 ,<br />

Efrat Shimshoni 2 , and Natan Andrei 3 — 1 Institut für Theoretische<br />

Physik, Universität zu Köln — 2 University of Haifa, Israel — 3 Rutgers<br />

University, USA<br />

We study [1] the low-temperature transport properties of clean onedimensional<br />

spin-1/2 chains coupled to phonons. Due to the presence<br />

of approximate conservation laws, the heat current decays very slowly<br />

giving rise to an exponentially large heat conductivity, κ ∼ e T ∗ /T . As a<br />

result of an interplay of Umklapp scattering and spinon-phonon coupling,<br />

the characteristic energy scale T ∗ turns out to be of order ΘD/2, where<br />

ΘD is the Debye energy, rather than the magnetic exchange interaction<br />

J in agreement with recent measurements in SrCuO compounds. A large<br />

magnetic field h strongly affects the heat transport by two distinct mechanisms.<br />

First, it induces a linear spinon-phonon coupling, which alters the<br />

nature of the T → 0 fixed point: the elementary excitations of the system

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