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Tiefe Temperaturen Donnerstag<br />

TT 26.6 Do 10:45 H18<br />

Optische Leitfähigkeit eines Hubbard-Rings mit Störstelle —<br />

•Cosima Schuster und Philipp Brune — Institut für Physik, Universität<br />

Augsburg, 86135 Augsburg<br />

Wir untersuchen mittels exakter Diagonalisierung (Lanzcos-Verfahren)<br />

die optische Leitfähigkeit eines Hubbard-Rings in Anwesenheit einer Potentialstörstelle.<br />

Wir konzentrieren uns dabei auf den ersten angeregten,<br />

stromtragenden Zustand, d.h. auf verdrehte Randbedingungen. In der<br />

metallischen Phase liegt ein wesentlicher Teil des spektralen Gewichts<br />

im Drude-Peak σ(ω) = Dcδ(ω) + σreg. Im Fall U = 0 lässt sich dieser<br />

Drude-Peak in unseren Rechnungen bei ω = 0 darstellen, da hier auch<br />

für endliche Kettenlängen der Sprung im chemischen Potential verschwindet.<br />

Bei Addition von einer Störstelle ist dieser Sprung im chemischen<br />

Potential endlich und damit der Haupt-Peak verschoben zu endlichen Frequenzen.<br />

Für repulsive Wechselwirkung wird dieser störstelleninduzierte<br />

Peak allerdings erst sichtbar, wenn eine gewisse Störstellenstärke, bei der<br />

die Grösse des Sprungs im chemischen Potential mit und ohne Störstelle<br />

übereinstimmt, überschritten wird. Wir können also in der optischen<br />

Leitfähigkeit für endliche metallische Systeme anhand den Sprung im<br />

chemischen Potential verfolgen.<br />

TT 26.7 Do 11:00 H18<br />

Electron-spin Vertex in the Two-dimensional One-band Hubbard<br />

Model — •Zhongbing Huang, Werner Hanke, and Enrico<br />

Arrigoni — Institut für Theoretische Physik, Universität Würzburg,<br />

am Hubland, 97074 Würzburg, Germany<br />

Using Quantum Monte Carlo techniques, we study the renormalization<br />

of the electron-spin (el-sp) interaction or vertex due to Coulomb<br />

correlations in a two-dimensional one-band Hubbard model with spinfluctuation<br />

momentum transfer q = (π, π). In the physically relevant<br />

strong-correlation regime, we find that the renormalized el-sp vertex decreases<br />

monotonically and rather dramatically with increasing doping<br />

from the underdoped to the overdoped region. In the underdoped region<br />

the spin susceptibility increases very quickly with decreasing temperature,<br />

leading to a substantial increase of the effective pairing interaction.<br />

In the overdoped case, the temperature dependence of the effective<br />

pairing interaction is rather weak. Our findings imply that antiferromagnetic<br />

spin fluctuations play an important role in the transport and<br />

superconducting properties of the underdoped high-temperature superconductors.<br />

This will further be substantiated with similar calculations<br />

for the electron-phonon vertex.<br />

11:15 Pause<br />

TT 26.8 Do 11:30 H18<br />

Variational cluster extension approach to the doped Hubbard<br />

model — •Björn Michaelis, Michael Potthoff, and Werner<br />

Hanke — Institut für theoretische Physik und Astrophysik, Universität<br />

Würzburg, Am Hubland, D-97074 Würzburg<br />

Thermodynamic properties and single particle excitations of the oneband<br />

Hubbard model are calculated in the one and two dimensional<br />

case on the basis of the recently proposed selfenergy-functional theory<br />

(”SFT”, Eur. Phys. J. B 32 (429) ,2003). We use exact diagonalization<br />

to get the selfenergy of finite systems and then obtain the Greensfunction<br />

of the infinite lattice by means of SFT. A particle reservoir is included and<br />

determined selfconsistently to achieve continuous doping. Results about<br />

the filling and bandwith controlled Mott metal-insulator transition are<br />

presented.<br />

TT 26.9 Do 11:45 H18<br />

Gossamer metals — •Marcus Kollar — Institut für Theoretische<br />

Physik, Universität Frankfurt, Robert-Mayer-Str. 8, 60054 Frankfurt/Main<br />

Using Laughlin’s gossamer method we construct a class of extended<br />

Hubbard models with long-range correlated hopping that have exact<br />

metallic Gutzwiller ground states, with arbitrary particle density, noninteracting<br />

dispersion, and lattice dimensionality [1]. The susceptibility<br />

and magnetization curves are obtained, showing that the Pauli susceptibility<br />

is enhanced by correlations. The elementary quasiparticle excitations<br />

of this correlated “gossamer metal” are gapless, except for a halffilled<br />

band, where a Mott metal-insulator transition of Brinkman-Rice<br />

type occurs.<br />

[1] M. Kollar, cond-mat/0308513.<br />

TT 26.10 Do 12:00 H18<br />

Contractor Renormalization Group Calculation for the<br />

Hubbard model including Fermionic and Bosonic excitations.<br />

— •Sascha Brehm 1 , Enrico Arrigoni 1,2 , and Werner Hanke 1<br />

— 1 Institut für Theoretische Physik und Astrophysik, Universität<br />

Würzburg, Am Hubland, D-97074 Würzburg, Germany — 2 Institut<br />

für Theoretische Physik, Technische Universität Graz, Petersgasse 16,<br />

A-8010 Graz, Austria<br />

We apply the contractor renormalization group technique (CORE) to<br />

extract a low-energy effective Hamiltonian for the 2-D Hubbard model.<br />

In contrast to earlier studies1 we explicitly incorporate both bosonic<br />

and fermionic low-energy excitations. It is shown that one basic effect<br />

of the latter is to effectively enhance the hopping probability of the<br />

charge-(pair-)excitations with increasing Hubbard U interactions. The<br />

low-energy Hamiltonian is then solved with slave-boson techniques.<br />

[1] E.Altman and A.Auerbach, Phys.Rev.B 65, 104508 (2002)<br />

TT 26.11 Do 12:15 H18<br />

First-order Mott transition at finite doping and temperature<br />

— •Theo Costi, Achim Rosch, Matthias Vojta, and Peter<br />

Woelfle — Institut fuer Theorie der Kondensierten Materie, Universitaet<br />

Karlsruhe, 76128 Karlsruhe<br />

The dynamical mean field theory in combination with the numerical<br />

renormalization group is used to compute the phase diagram of the Hubbard<br />

model away from half-filling in the (T,U) plane. We find coexistance<br />

of two solutions with the same doping at finite temperature, as for half<br />

filling. We also discuss the effect of a small doping on the single-particle<br />

spectra of a Mott insulator.<br />

TT 26.12 Do 12:30 H18<br />

Anomalous self-energy and pseudogap formation in the 2D<br />

Hubbard model — •Andrey Katanin 1,2,3 and Arno Kampf 1<br />

— 1 Institut fuer Physik, Theoretische Physik III, Elektronische<br />

Korrelationen und Magnetismus, Universitaet Augsburg, 86135<br />

Augsburg, Germany — 2 Max Planck Institute for Solid State Research,<br />

Heisenbergstrasse 1, D-70569 Stuttgart, Germany — 3 Institute of Metal<br />

Physics, 620219 Ekaterinburg, Russia<br />

We calculate [1] the self-energy in the weak-coupling regime of the t-t ′<br />

Hubbard model using the functional RG approach. The flow of the vertices<br />

is truncated at one-loop order. At this order and at van Hove (vH)<br />

band fillings the quasiparticle concept is not valid at kF = (π, 0) due to<br />

either thermal excitations of electrons at the vH singularities (vHs) or<br />

pseudogap formation. At low temperature the quasiparticle weight along<br />

the Fermi surface continuously vanishes from a finite value at the zone<br />

diagonal towards the (π, 0) point. Away from vH band fillings the quasiparticle<br />

peak is formed inside a pseudogap of size ∆, and within a finite<br />

frequency window |ω| ≪ ∆ around the Fermi energy the electronic selfenergy<br />

has the conventional Fermi-liquid characteristics. With increasing<br />

separation between Fermi level and vHs the spectral anomalies gradually<br />

disappear.<br />

[1] A. A. Katanin and A. P. Kampf, cond-mat/0310112.<br />

TT 26.13 Do 12:45 H18<br />

Low-energy physics of cuprates beyond the standard pdσ-model<br />

— •S.-L. Drechsler 1 , J. Málek 1 , H. Rosner 2 , A.S. Moskvin 3 ,<br />

H. Eschrig 1 , M. Knupfer 1 und A. Kordyuk 1 — 1 IFW-Dresden,<br />

P.O. Box 270116, D-01171 Dresden, Germany — 2 MPI-CPfS Dresden,<br />

Germany — 3 Ural St.ate University, 620083 Ekaterinburg, Russia<br />

The role of orbitals beyond the Cu 3dO2p set employed in the widely<br />

used standard pdσ extended Hubbard model is considered with respect<br />

to the low-energy physics of several cuprates and different experiments.<br />

Special attention is paid to the theoretical description of the loss function<br />

and optical conductivity data of the 1D compound Sr2CuO3 and the 2D<br />

system Sr2CuO2Cl2 with respect to excited O 2π states. Consequences<br />

for the orbital character of doped holes are considered. Effects of Cu 4s<br />

orbitals and states derived from cations outside the CuO2 planes are discussed<br />

with respect to the observed bi-layer splitting in Bi2212 [1], the<br />

Néel state ordering in CaCuO2, and NMR data of La2CuO4 [2].<br />

[1] A.A. Kordyuk et al., cond-mat/0311137<br />

[2] E.P. Stoll et al., Int. J. of Mod. Phys. 17, 3329 (2003).

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