Dimensiuni ale limbajului n context carceral

Dimensiuni ale limbajului n context carceral

Dimensiuni ale limbajului n context carceral


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Menţionăm încă o dată faptul că onomatopeele folosite în domeniul publicitar sunt în general cuvinte care<br />

denotă calităţi, sentimente pozitive, prospeţime, optimism.<br />

Este bine cunoscut faptul că o reclamă eficientă este una care reuşeşte să atragă atenţia repede şi<br />

pentru un timp îndelungat. Prin utilizarea cuvintelor onomatopeice în domeniul publicitar se îndeplinesc cu<br />

succes aceste cerinţe. Scurtimea cuvintelor, forţa lor de sugestie, sonoritatea ce le face uşor de reţinut, toate<br />

aceste calităti fac din onomatopeea japoneză un puternic instrument publicitar.<br />


1.TANAKA, Keiko, Advertising language – A Pragmatic Approach to Advertisements in Britain and Japan, ed. Routledge, Londra,<br />

1994<br />

2. CHANG, C. Andrew, A thesaurus of Japanese Mimesis and Onomatopoeia: Usage by categories, Japan, 1990<br />

3. FRENŢIU, Rodica, Speriat din vis de vântul hoinar : Studii de semiotică şi poetică japoneză, ed. Casa Cărţii de Stiinţă, Cluj,<br />

2004<br />


Summary<br />

The aim of this paper is to present and underline the importance of Japanese onomatopoeia in the<br />

advertising business, the main focus being written commercials.<br />

Japanese onomatopoeia’s force of suggestion and capacity to build an entire world of meanings through a<br />

word is widely used in the advertising business. Onomatopoeia is thus widely used in Japanese advertising<br />

that deals with catching the consumer’s attention and interest through positive, fresh and powerful expressions<br />

such as assari, sukkiri, fuwa fuwa.<br />

Japanese onomatopoeia differs in many aspects from what speakers of European languages understand<br />

through this language category. In Japanese, one can always use onomatopoeic vocabulary to express both<br />

usual aspects of daily life and metaphorical expressions in literary works. We will focus here on the use of<br />

Japanese onomatopoeia in advertising and commercials, stressing their ability to create complex images and<br />

scenes through the wide range of meanings they have.<br />

Winning people’s attention and curiosity, along with building a positive image of the product, that is the key<br />

to a fructuous use of onomatopoeia in commercials.<br />

Cuvinte-cheie: onomatopee, instrument publicitar, sugestiv, sonoritate pozitivă, metafore, concizi, scurtime, expresivitate,<br />


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