Dimensiuni ale limbajului n context carceral

Dimensiuni ale limbajului n context carceral

Dimensiuni ale limbajului n context carceral


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Distruge mereu ultimul stereotip, acel gând care ne-ar oferi confort, de care am putea fi mândri... ea<br />

subminează autoritatea ştiinţei monologice”. 1 Un astfel de discurs, al cărui punct central îl constituie femeia<br />

înstrăinată, este şi cel propus de Mendieta. Alienarea prin care trece Julia Kristeva merge până la<br />

fundamentele <strong>limbajului</strong> care, paradoxal, este instrumentul afirmării acestui proces: „Utilizarea <strong>limbajului</strong>,<br />

munca în materialitatea a ceea ce societatea vede ca fiind un mijloc de comunicare şi înţelegere, nu înseamnă<br />

are să te declari brusc străin de limbaj?” 2 o<br />

Asumarea vizuală a <strong>limbajului</strong> de către Ana Mendieta<br />

dinamitează însă şi acest ultim obstacol.<br />


Blocker, Jane, Where Is Ana Mendieta – Identity, Performativity and Exile, Londra, ed.Duke University Press, 1999.<br />

Jones, Amelia, Body Art / Performing the Subject, Minneapolis, ed.University of Minnesota Press, 1998.<br />

Moi, Toril, Sexual, Textual Politics,<br />

Londra & New York, ed.Routledge, 2001.<br />


Abstract<br />

The paper is concerned with the manner in which fem<strong>ale</strong> identity is constructed and deconstructed in the works of the<br />

Cuban artist Ana Mendieta. Her earth/body works are analyzed by means of their belonging to the postmodern paradigm, framed<br />

within the aesthetic of disappearance. Eloquent examples of a totally postmodern trajectory, Ana Mendieta’s destiny and creation<br />

stand for the search for origin and for the resurrection of primordial beliefs, whereas the analysis of her well-known Siluetas offers<br />

clues for the way language functions, when assumed visually, as a tool for communication or for deconstruction. Born in Cuba,<br />

forced to leave the country during the Castro regime, Mendieta’s works have subtle political implications; therefore, as a result of<br />

her permanent state of exile and orphanhood, her discourse moves towards questioning language and identity, and finds the<br />

appropriate dimension for self-confirmation in the liminal, split, cross-cultural being between multiple identities, no true sense of<br />

belonging and the reactivation of myths and rituals. Performance, as an artistic manner of expressing subjectivity, gives one the<br />

possibility to assume a personal and a collective history simultaneously, to force the inter-subjective dimension of the receptive act,<br />

and<br />

to undermine the official discourse. Fem<strong>ale</strong> identity is constructed in permanent<br />

connection with emotion, participation,<br />

in terplay of identities, the sense of belonging to nature, when all other possible coordinates have failed to comfort the artist.<br />

Mendieta’s creation undermines the masculine, centered authority, questioning the borders between subject and object of the<br />

discourse, the conventional status of the aesthetic object,<br />

time and space coordinates.<br />

Cuvinte-cheie: Mendieta, Performance, Artă contemporană, Alienare, Limbaj vizual, Subiectivitate, Ritual, Cuba,<br />

Identitate, Postmodernism, Exil, Feminitate, Silueta.<br />

1 Toril Moi, Sexual, Textual Politics, London & New York, ed. Routledge, 2001, pag. 150: Julia Kristeva changes the place of<br />

things (...) She always destroys the latest preconception, the one we thought we could be comforted by, the one of which we could be<br />

proud... she subverts authority, the authority of monologic science.<br />

2 Ibidem: To work on language, to labour in the materiality of that which society regards as a means of contact and understanding,<br />

isn’t that at one stroke to declare oneself a stranger to language?

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