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George Orwell 1 9 8 4<br />

him not to be greedy. There was a long, nagging<br />

argument that went round and round, with shouts,<br />

whines, tears, remonstrances, bargainings. His<br />

tiny sister, clinging to her mother with both<br />

hands, exactly like a baby monkey, sat looking<br />

over her shoulder at him with large, mournful<br />

eyes. In the end his mother broke off threequarters<br />

of the chocolate and gave it to Winston,<br />

giving the other quarter to his sister. The little<br />

girl took hold of it and looked at it dully, perhaps<br />

not knowing what it was. Winston stood<br />

watching her for a moment. Then with a sudden<br />

swift spring he had snatched the piece of<br />

chocolate out of his sister's hand and was fleeing<br />

for the door.<br />

'Winston, Winston!' his mother called after him.<br />

'Come back! Give yoursister back her chocolate!'<br />

He stopped, but did not come back. His mother's<br />

anxious eyes were fixed on his face. Even now<br />

he was thinking about the thing, he did not know<br />

what it was that was on the point of happening.<br />

His sister, conscious of having been robbed of<br />

something, had set up a feeble wail. His mother<br />

drew her arm round the child and pressed its face<br />

against her breast. Something in the gesture told<br />

him that his sister was dying. He turned and fled<br />

down the stairs, with the chocolate growing<br />

sticky in his hand.<br />

He never saw his mother again. After he had<br />

devoured the chocolate he felt somewhat<br />

ashamed of himself and hung about in the streets<br />

for several hours, until hunger drove him home.<br />

When he came back his mother had disappeared.<br />

This was already becoming normal at that time.<br />

Nothing was gone from the room except his<br />

mother and his sister. They had not taken any<br />

clothes, not even his mother's overcoat. To this<br />

day he did not know with any certainty that his<br />

mother was dead. It was perfectly possible that<br />

she had merely been sent to a forced-labour<br />

camp. As for his sister, she might have been<br />

removed, like Winston himself, to one of the<br />

colonies for homeless children (Reclamation<br />

Centres, they were called) which had grown up<br />

as a result of the civil war, or she might have<br />

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hubo llantos, lloros, reprimendas, regateos... su<br />

hermanita agarrándose a la madre con las dos manos<br />

— exactamente como una monita — miraba a<br />

Winston con ojos muy abiertos y llenos de tristeza.<br />

Al final, la madre le dio al niño las tres cuartas partes<br />

de la tableta y a la hermanita la otra cuarta parte. La<br />

pequeña la cogió y se puso a mirarla con<br />

indiferencia, sin saber quizás lo que era. Winston se<br />

la quedó mirando un momento. Luego, con un súbito<br />

movimiento, le arrancó a la nena el trocito de<br />

chocolate y salió huyendo.<br />

— ¡Winston! ¡Winston! — le gritó su madre. Ven<br />

aquí, devuélvele a tu hermana el chocolate.<br />

El niño se detuvo pero no regresó a su sitio. Su<br />

madre lo miraba preocupadísima. Incluso en ese<br />

momento, pensaba en aquello, en lo que había de<br />

suceder de un momento a otro y que Winston<br />

ignoraba. La hermanita, consciente de que le habían<br />

robado algo, rompió a llorar. Su madre la abrazó con<br />

fuerza. Algo había en aquel gesto que le hizo<br />

comprender a Winston que su hermana se moría.<br />

Salió corriendo escaleras abajo con el chocolate<br />

derritiéndosele entre los dedos.<br />

Nunca volvió a ver a su madre. Después de comerse<br />

el chocolate, se sintió algo avergonzado y corrió por<br />

las calles mucho tiempo hasta que el hambre le hizo<br />

volver. Pero su madre ya no estaba allí. En aquella<br />

época, estas desapariciones eran normales. Todo<br />

seguía igual en la habitación. Sólo faltaban la madre<br />

y la hermanita. Ni siquiera se había llevado el abrigo.<br />

Ni siquiera ahora estaba seguro Winston de que su<br />

madre hubiera muerto. Era muy posible que la<br />

hubieran mandado a un campo de trabajos forzados.<br />

En cuanto a su hermana, quizás se la hubieran<br />

llevado — como hicieron con el mismo Winston — a<br />

una de las colonias de niños huérfanos (les llamaban<br />

Centros de Reclamación) que fueron una de las<br />

consecuencias de la guerra civil; o quizás la hubieran<br />

enviado con la madre al campo de trabajos forzados<br />

o sencillamente la habrían dejado morir en cualquier

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