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Poster Sessions<br />

High Resolution Brain Imaging<br />

Hall B Tuesday 13:30-15:30<br />

2304. Patch Structure in White Matter Detected by Microscopic MRI at High Field Strength<br />

Tie-Qiang Li 1 , M. Fukunaga 2 , K Shmueli1 2 , S Dodd 2 , J H. Duyn 2<br />

1 Department of Medical Physics, Karolinska University Hospital, S-141 86, Stockholm, Sweden; 2 Laboratory of Functional and<br />

Molecular Imaging,, National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke, National Institutes of Health,, United States<br />

T2*-weighted MRI at high magnetic field strength has recently been used to reveal cortical layer structures and white matter heterogeneity in vivo. Magnetic<br />

susceptibility differences have been widely thought to give rise to most of the contrast but the precise mechanisms underlying the contrast is still poorly<br />

understood. Here, we report an interesting finding from microscopic MRI and histological studies of white matter specimens of the human brain, which may<br />

provide further clues for better understanding of the mechanisms underlying the T2*-weighted contrast.<br />

2305. MR Contrast in Post-Mortem Brain Remains After 6 Decades of Storage: Imaging in Cerebellar<br />

Agenesis<br />

Stephen J. Sawiak 1,2 , Guy B. Williams 1 , T Adrian Carpenter 1 , S A. Edgley 3<br />

1 Wolfson Brain Imaging Centre, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, United Kingdom; 2 Behavioural and Clinical Neurosciences<br />

Institute, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, United Kingdom; 3 Department of Physiology, Development and Neuroscience,<br />

University of Cambridge, Cambridge, United Kingdom<br />

Cerebellar agenesis is a condition where the cerebellum fails to develop normally. Here we present data from two individuals acquired post-mortem from<br />

brains extracted in the 1940s showing high resolution anatomical and structural data with MPRAGE and DTI sequences.<br />

2306. Measuring Cortical Thickness of the Human Brain Using Ultra High Resolution Data<br />

Falk Lüsebrink 1 , Astrid Wollrab 2<br />

1 RheinAhrCampus, Remagen, Germany; 2 Biomedical Magnetic Resonance, Otto-von-Guericke-Universität, Magdeburg, Germany<br />

The analysis of the human cerebral cortex and the measurement of its thickness based on MRI data provide insight into normal brain development and<br />

neurodegenerative disorders. Accurate and reproducible results of the cortical thickness measurement are desired. In addition to data processing tools, the<br />

quality (i.e. resolution) of the imaging data is evaluated. We thus compare ultra high resolution data acquired at 7T with 3T data for measuring the cortical<br />

thickness of the human brain.<br />

2307. Effect of Head Motion on the MRI Visibility of Cortical Layers in Human Primary Visual Cortex<br />

Jessica Schulz 1 , Miriam Wähnert 1 , Robert Trampel 1 , Robert Turner 1<br />

1 Max-Planck-Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences, Leipzig, Germany<br />

There is increased interest in using ultra-high-field brain MRI to map intracortical structures. We simulated the effect on layer structure of small in-plane<br />

motions during data sampling, using 200 micron resolution ex vivo brain images. Such motions can easily introduce illusory structures, shown in images and<br />

cortical intensity profiles of human primary visual cortex, without and with motion corruption. Our simulations emphasize the crucial importance of<br />

appropriate motion correction of high resolution brain data.<br />

2308. Sub-Millimeter Isotropic Ocular-Dominance Mapping at 7T Using 3D EPI<br />

Natalia Petridou 1 , Ben M. Harvey 2 , Serge O. Dumoulin 2 , S F.W. Neggers 3 , Tjerk Gutteling 3 , Peter Luijten 1 ,<br />

Hans Hoogduin 1<br />

1 UMC Utrecht, Utrecht, Netherlands; 2 Psychology, Utrecht University, Utrecht, Netherlands; 3 Rudolf Magnus Institute for<br />

Neuroscience, UMC Utrecht, Utrecht, Netherlands<br />

The advent of high fields has made it possible to reconstruct the functional organization of ocular-dominance columns in the human cortex with submillimeter<br />

in-plane (2D) resolution. However, 2D-based imaging techniques necessarily use anisotropic spatial resolution and are restricted to subjects that<br />

have relatively flat regions of cortex. Using 3D EPI with sub-millimeter isotropic resolution at 7T and a differential ocular stimulation we found alternating<br />

activation patterns in V1 which may relate to the expected ocular-dominance column distribution. This suggests that at 7T, 3D EPI can offer an avenue for<br />

sub-millimeter isotropic mapping not limited by the underlying anatomy.<br />

2309. Optic Nerve Characterisation by Isotropic High-Resolution MRI<br />

Sandro Romanzetti 1 , Petra Stoerig 2 , Ana Maria Oros-Peusquens 1 , N. Jon Shah 1,3<br />

1 Institute of Neuroscience and Medicine 4, Medical Imaging Physics, Forschungszentrum Juelich, Juelich, Germany; 2 Institut für<br />

Experimentelle Psychologie, Heinrich-Heine-Universität, Duesseldorf, Germany; 3 Faculty of Medicine, Department of Neurology,<br />

RWTH Aachen, Aachen, Germany<br />

Many ophthalmological and neurological pathologies affect the optic nerve which provides the brain with retinal information. Revealing their<br />

manifestations with isotropic, high-resolution imaging of the optic nerve, the orbit and the chiasm may allow early and direct diagnosis of diseases that result<br />

in loss of visual function, partial or complete blindness. In this pilot study, we present isotropic, high-resolution optic nerve images which may be suitable<br />

for clinical applications.

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