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Poster Sessions<br />

1087. Quantitative Evaluation of FMRI Acquisition Strategies at 7T Using NPAIRS<br />

Robert L. Barry 1,2 , J Christopher Gatenby 1,2 , Allen T. Newton 1,2 , Stephen C. Strother 3,4 , John C. Gore 1,2<br />

1 Vanderbilt University Institute of Imaging Science, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN, United States; 2 Department of Radiology<br />

and Radiological Sciences, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN, United States; 3 Rotman Research Institute of Baycrest, Toronto,<br />

ON, Canada; 4 Department of Medical Biophysics, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON, Canada<br />

Although 2D single-shot EPI is common in BOLD fMRI, recent studies have suggested that 3D multi-shot sequences such as PRESTO-SENSE may offer<br />

superior BOLD CNR through improved temporal efficiency. A four-way comparison was performed between 2D and 3D acquisition sequences at two voxel<br />

resolutions (1.19x1.19x2 mm 3 and 2.19x2.19x2 mm 3 ) at 7T. The quality of fMRI data was evaluated via independent and unbiased metrics of prediction and<br />

reproducibility using NPAIRS. Results suggest that EPI provides higher prediction and reproducibility for this study. Future work will investigate withinsubject<br />

optimization, and further compare EPI with PRESTO-SENSE for an fMRI study requiring whole-brain coverage.<br />

1088. The Effect of Parallel Imaging on the Sensitivity of BOLD Signal to Physiological Noise<br />

Tomas Jonsson 1 , Tie-Qiang Li 1<br />

1 Department of Medical Physics, Karolinska University Hospital, S-141 86, Stockholm, Sweden<br />

The sensitivity to physiological noises of the reconstructed BOLD MR images is altered by the employed parallel imaging strategies. In this study, we<br />

mapped and compared the physiological noise sensitivity of BOLD fMRI data acquired with and without employing parallel imaging at two different spatial<br />

resolutions. Using higher spatial resolution reduces the signal strength and the relative sensitivity to physiological noise. This can be of SNR advantage<br />

particularly for time series fMRI data acquired at higher magnetic field.<br />

1089. Multi-Slice Two- And Four-Fold Acceleration with Single- And Eight-Channel Coils, Respectively<br />

Andrzej Jesmanowicz 1 , Shi-Jiang Li 1 , James S. Hyde 1<br />

1 Biophysics, Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI, United States<br />

Complex-valued tailored pulses have been used in an EPI sequence to excite two or more slices in human brain using a whole-brain transmit coil. One or<br />

more members of a receive-coil array have been used to acquire multi-channel image data. Complex-valued coil profiles have been used to recover slices,<br />

and parallel image formation has been demonstrated. Acceleration by a factor of 4 has been achieved with an eight-channel head coil.<br />

1090. Detecting Single Cortical Column Activation Under Super High Spatial Resolution at 9.4 T Using<br />

Single-Shot Half K-Space GR-EPI<br />

Rupeng Li 1 , Patrick Hettinger 2 , Younghoon Cho 1 , Christopher P. Pawela 1 , Ji-Geng Yan 2 , Andrzej<br />

Jesmanowicz 1 , Anthony Hudetz 3 , Hani Matloub 2 , James Hyde 1<br />

1 Biophysics, Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI, United States; 2 Plastic Surgery, Medical College of Wisconsin,<br />

Milwaukee, WI, United States; 3 Anesthesiology, Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI, United States<br />

Single-shot half k-space GR-EPI sequence was used to push the BOLD imaging resolution to 300 micron cubic voxel and unique single column cortical<br />

activation in the sensory cortex was detected when stimulating the middle phalange of all 8 digits of rat.<br />

1091. Development and Evaluation of Alternative Imaging Methods for FMRI at 7 Tesla<br />

John Sexton 1,2 , Jascha Swisher 3 , Frank Tong 3 , Baxter Rogers 1,2 , J Christopher Gatenby 1,4 , John C. Gore 1,4<br />

1 Vanderbilt University Institute of Imaging Science, Nashville, TN, United States; 2 Biomedical Engineering, Vanderbilt University,<br />

Nashville, TN, United States; 3 Psychology, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN, United States; 4 Radiology and Radiological<br />

Sciences, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN, United States<br />

We compare single-shot gradient-echo 2D-EPI, multi-shot gradient-echo 3D-FFE and multi-shot gradient-echo 3D-PRESTO in a polar angle retinotopic<br />

mapping experiment at four isotropic resolutions (1.12mm3, 1.67mm3, 2mm3, and 3mm3) at 7 Tesla. Retinotopic maps in agreement with literature were<br />

obtained at all resolutions. The 3D sequences provided similar BOLD sensitivity and significantly less distortion compared to 2D-EPI. In addition, 3D-<br />

PRESTO provided much higher temporal resolution than 2D-EPI. Our findings suggest rich potential for high-resolution 3D imaging sequences in<br />

retinotopic mapping and other functional MRI experiments at high field.<br />

1092. What Is the Optimum FMRI Procedure with Auditory Stimulation?<br />

Karsten Mueller 1 , Toralf Mildner 1 , Tom Fritz 1 , Joeran Lepsien 1 , Christian Schwarzbauer 2 , Harald E.<br />

Möller 1<br />

1 Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences, Leipzig, Germany; 2 Aberdeen Biomedical Imaging Centre, University<br />

of Aberdeen, United Kingdom<br />

To present auditory stimuli in the absence of scanner noise, the sparse temporal sampling (STS) approach was introduced. The interleaved-silent steady-state<br />

(ISSS) technique is combining the idea of splitting image acquisition and stimulus presentation with a better sampling of the fMRI signal. We performed an<br />

auditory experiment with pleasant and unpleasant stimuli using four fMRI sessions: STS, ISSS, and simultaneous stimulus presentation and image<br />

acquisition with axial and sagittal scanning. The total acquisition time was the same in all four sessions. The best sensitivity for detecting activations of subcortical<br />

regions (such as the amygdala) was found for ISSS.<br />

1093. Feasibility of BOLD Magnetic Resonance Imaging of Lung Tumors at 3T<br />

Qing Yuan 1 , Yao Ding 1 , Rami R. Hallac 1 , Paul T. Weatherall 1 , Robert Doug Sims 1 , Thomas Boike 2 , Robert<br />

Timmerman 2 , Ralph P. Mason 1<br />

1 Radiology, University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center at Dallas, Dallas, TX, United States; 2 Radiation Oncology, University<br />

of Texas Southwestern Medical Center at Dallas, Dallas, TX, United States<br />

It is expected that BOLD MRI should be sensitive to tumor vascular oxygenation. In lung tumors BOLD MRI is challenging due to potential image artifacts<br />

from motion, blood flow, and susceptibility. The goal of this preliminary study was to optimize the BOLD imaging technique at 3T in patients with untreated

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