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Poster Sessions<br />

2472. Evaluation of Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy Response of Breast Cancer at 3.0T<br />

Jeon-Hor Chen 1,2 , s Bahri 1 , P Carpenter 3 , H-J Yu 1 , R Mehta 4 , O Nalcioglu 1 , M-Y Lydia Su 1<br />

1 Center for Functional Onco-Imaging, UC Irvine, Irvine, CA, United States; 2 China Medical University Hospital, Taichung, Taiwan;<br />

3 Department of Pathology, UC Irvine, Irvine, CA, United States; 4 Department of Medicine, UC Irvine, Irvine, CA, United States<br />

The results analyzed from 3.0 T were consistent with our previous findings using 1.5T with a lower spatial resolution, suggesting that the limitation of MRI<br />

in diagnosis of post-NAC cancer cannot be improved with a higher SNR or a higher spatial resolution. Our current protocol at 3.0 T still could not detect<br />

residual tumor presenting as scattered cells or small foci, which often occurs in non-mass-like lesions. These types of invasive cancer cells do not need<br />

angiogenesis to survive, and if so, they will not show contrast enhancements.<br />

2473. Reduction of Breast Density Following Tamoxifen Treatment Evaluated by 3-D MRI<br />

Jeon-Hor Chen 1,2 , Yeun-Chung Chang 3 , Daniel Chang 1 , Yi-Ting Wang 3 , Ke Nie 1 , Ruey-Feng Chang 3 ,<br />

orhang Nalcioglu 1 , Chiun-Sheng Huang 3 , M-Y Lydia Su 1<br />

1 Center for Functional Onco-Imaging, UC Irvine, Irvine, CA, United States; 2 China Medical University Hospital, Taiwan; 3 National<br />

Taiwan University, Taiwan<br />

We have demonstrated that the breast density analyzed based on a 3D MR method can be used to investigate the changes associated with tamoxifen<br />

treatment. We found a significant reduction in fibroglandular tissue volume and percent breast density after treatment, and the density reduction was<br />

positively correlated with the baseline density and treatment duration.<br />

2474. MRI Evaluation of Decrease of Breast Density in the Contralateral Normal Breast of Patients<br />

Receiving Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy<br />

Jeon-Hor Chen 1,2 , Ke Nie 1 , S Bahri 1 , Rita S. Mehta 3 , Chieh-Chih Hsu 2 , Fei-Ting Hsu 2 , Han-Ni Shih 2 ,<br />

Muqing Lin 1 , orhang Nalcioglu 1 , M-Y Lydia Su 1<br />

1 Center for Functional Onco-Imaging, UC Irvine, Irvine, CA, United States; 2 China Medical University Hospital, Taichung, Taiwan;<br />

3 Department of Medicine, UC Irvine, Irvine, CA, United States<br />

We have demonstrated the feasibility of investigating the reduction of density following chemotherapy using a quantitative analysis method based on MRI.<br />

Patients receiving chemotherapy showed reduction of breast density, and that the effects were more pronounced in younger women than older (postmenopausal)<br />

women. The results suggest that the reduction of breast density after chemotherapy was possibly mediated through impaired ovarian function.<br />

The reduction could be clearly noted after 1 to 2 cycles of AC regimen. Although the density continued to decrease after 4 cycles of AC and the following<br />

Taxane regimen, the subsequent effect was smaller.<br />

2475. Pushing Old Boundaries in Breast MRI: Non-Fatsaturated Dynamic Imaging at Very Short TE<br />

Christian Geppert 1 , Rolf Janka 2 , Berthold Kiefer 1 , Michael Uder 2 , Evelyn Wenkel 2<br />

1 MR Oncology, Siemens Heatlthcare, Erlangen, Germany; 2 Radiologisches Institut, Universitätsklinikum Erlangen, Erlangen,<br />

Germany<br />

In non-fatsuppressed dynamic breast imaging, it is a well accepted recommendation to acquire data at or close to echo times that fulfil the in-phase condition<br />

for fat and water, such as 4.7ms at 1.5T, in order to avoid partial volume effects that lead to signal cancellation at fat/water interfaces. Thus it is usually<br />

suggested of using either in-phase TE or “TE less than 1.2ms” resulting in a phase difference of below 90°. In a comparable parameter setting this would<br />

result in a decrease of 50% of the total acquisition time. With current gradient systems and fast imaging sequences this has now become possible without<br />

compromising the matrix size or the bandwidth. In this work we have set up an interleaved protocol approach to achieve a direct comparison of a minimum<br />

TE acquisition with a clinical standard protocol.<br />

2476. Improved Diagnostic Accuracy in DCE MR-Mammography by Normalization of Kinetic Parameters<br />

Following AIF Deconvolution<br />

Endre Grøvik 1 , Kjell-Inge Gjesdal 2 , Kathinka Kurz Dæhli 3 , Atle Bjørnerud 4<br />

1 University of Oslo, Oslo, Norway; 2 Sunnmøre MR-klinikk, Aalesund, Norway; 3 Stavanger University Hospital, Stavanger, Norway;<br />

4 Rikshospitalet University Hospital, Oslo, Norway<br />

This work presents a method for improving diagnostic accuracy in DCE MR-mammography by normalization of kinetic parameters following AIF<br />

deconvolution. The permeability related kinetic parameter Ktrans and the Ktrans-ratio between cancer tissue and breast parenchyma were investigated and<br />

compared based on their ability to differentiate between malignant and benign lesions. The result showed that employing a normalization approach may<br />

improve the diagnostically performance of the pharmacokinetic model by diminishing the prospective errors in the extracted AIF.<br />

2477. Influence of Contrast Arrival Time and Temporal Resolution in Diagnosis of Breast Cancer with DCE-<br />

MRI<br />

Hendrik Laue 1 , Anja Hennemuth 1 , Volker Diehl 1,2 , Markus Thorsten Harz 1 , Horst Karl Hahn 1 , Heinz-Otto<br />

Peitgen 1<br />

1 Fraunhofer MEVIS, Bremen, Germany; 2 Institute of Magnetic Resonance Imaging, Central Hospital St.-Juergen-Strasse, Bremen,<br />

Germany<br />

The consensus on diagnosis of breast cancer with DCE-MRI is the use of sequences with high spatial and low temporal resolution, because of the in<br />

inhomogeneous distribution of pharmacokinetic properties in the tumor and the requirement to detect small lesions. The diagnostic in breast MRI today is<br />

therefore based on simple curve shapes rather than pharmacokinetic modeling. In this work, some pharmacokinetic modeling of contrast arrival time (CAT)<br />

and variation of low temporal resolution are carried out to identify pitfalls in the application and to identify techniques beneficial for the diagnostic<br />

performance of breast MRI.

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