Cover Soc. Zekerh. frans-verkle - FOD Sociale Zekerheid

Cover Soc. Zekerh. frans-verkle - FOD Sociale Zekerheid

Cover Soc. Zekerh. frans-verkle - FOD Sociale Zekerheid

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LES ECONOMIES SOUTERRAINES DANS LE MONDE: IMPORTANCE, CAUSES ET CONSEQUENCESWeck, Hannelore (1983), Schattenwirtschaft: Eine Möglichkeit zur Einschränkungder öffentlichen Verwaltung? Eine ökonomische Analyze, Bern-Frankfurt.Williams, Colin C. et Windebank, Jan (1995), Black market work in the EuropeanCommunity: Peripheral work for peripheral localities?, International Journal ofUrban and Regional Research, 19/1, pp. 23-39.Witte, A.D. (1987), The nature and extend of unreported activity: A survey concentratingon a recent US-research, in Alessandrini, S. et Dallago, B. (eds.), The unofficialeconomy: Consequences and perspectives in different economic systems,Gower: Aldershot.Yoo, Tiho, et Hyun, Jin K., (1998), International comparison of the black economy:Empirical evidence using micro-level data, Document non publié, Présenté auCongrès 1998 de l’International Institute of Public Finance, Cordoba, Argentine.Zilberfarb, Ben-Zion (1986), Estimates of the underground economy in the UnitedStates, 1930-80. IMF-Staff Papers, 33/ 4, pp. 790-798.__________881

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